Rainmakers (2010)

01/01/2010 (US) Documentary 1h 10m
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China's Warriors for the Environment


Rainmakers is an investigative documentary about the decline of China's environment. The story is told from the perspective of four civil activists who refuse to accept the ongoing ecological destruction of their homeland. On the border of heroism and stubbornness, four diverse and remarkable Chinese civilians explain why they have the courage to fight the pettish and aggressive local authorities, against all odds. In a film that takes the natural cycle of water as its visual framework, the polluted air of Beijing and Changsha, the filthy water of the Qiantang river and the advancing sand of the Tengger desert, serve as symbols for an environmental battle with many losers and occasionally some winners.

  1. Floris-Jan van Luyn

    Director, Writer

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Original Language English

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