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A beautiful school is about to reopen after many years and Luì and Sofì (Me against You) are the special guests of the inauguration party, their friend Pongo awaits them there. The school, however, could hide a mystery and, once again, the Me against You will have to face the evil Mr. S with courage and try to sabotage his evil plans in the name of friendship. In the school, for the first time, Luì and Sofì could learn an important secret about their past. A new “magical” adventure in the cinema for Luì and Sofì, in a world of magic, with lots of surprises and fun for their little fans and all families.

  1. Luigi Calagna

    Screenplay, Story

  2. Sofia Scalia

    Screenplay, Story

  3. Gianluca Leuzzi


  4. Emanuela Canonico


  5. Andrea Boin


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It's me against you - The mystery of the spellbound school
It's me against you - The mystery of the spellbound school

Original Title Me contro Te: Il film - Il mistero della scuola incantata

Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget $4,180,000.00

Revenue $5,606,810.00


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