The Green Mare (1959)

U 10/23/1961 (US) ComedyDrama 1h 30m
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A green mare makes the fortune of her owner, the horse dealer Haudouin. Shortly after his death, war broke out in 1870. One day, his neighbor Zèphe Maloret denounces Honoré, Haudouin's son, a maverick, to the Prussians. Following this denunciation, their non-commissioned officer enters the Haudouin home and rapes the mother while Honoré is hidden under the bed. The resentment already existing between the Haudouin and Maloret families turns to hatred... A letter recalling the events is lost, which doesn't help matters.

  1. Claude Autant-Lara


  2. Jean Aurenche


  3. Marcel Aymé


Top Billed Cast

  1. Bourvil


    Honoré Haudouin

  2. Francis Blanche

    Francis Blanche

    Ferdinand Haudouin

  3. Yves Robert

    Yves Robert

    Zèphe Maloret

  4. Sandra Milo

    Sandra Milo

    Margerite Maloret

  5. Julien Carette

    Julien Carette


  6. Valérie Lagrange

    Valérie Lagrange

    Juliette Haudouin

  7. Marie Déa

    Marie Déa

    Anaïs Maloret

  8. Guy Bertil

    Guy Bertil


  9. Mireille Perrey

    Mireille Perrey

    Mother Haudouin

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Green Mare
The Green Mare

Original Title La Jument verte

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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