The Intensive Life Unit (2021)

09/02/2021 (CZ) Documentary 1h 13m
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Even though doctors Ondřej and Kateřina look after their patients to the best of their ability, they can’t prevent their death. As heads of palliative care at Prague’s General University Hospital they face the inevitability of the end on a daily basis. Yet what perhaps makes their job harder is the myriad options now open to them to prolong human life – and this at a time when death has become a social taboo. Betraying her special brand of empathy, documentarist Adéla Komrzý demonstrates that, while there’s no good or bad way to die, there’s always a means to improve patients’ quality of life.

  1. Adéla Komrzý

    Director, Screenplay

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Original Title Jednotka intenzivního života

Status Released

Original Language Czech

Budget -

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