Old School (2000)

U 07/05/2000 (FR) Comedy 1h 28m
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In this mock documentary, television journalist Christie and her camera crew trace the history and nefarious exploits of the new terrors of the French criminal underworld. The "Old School" Gang are four young men who grew up in the same orphanage; led by Letiole, they affect outlandish mid-'70s fashions and a retro-gangster/neo-blaxploitation persona as they rob, loot, and shoot their way through the seamy underbelly of Paris.

  1. Kader Ayd

    Director, Writer

  2. Karim Abbou

    Director, Writer

  3. Hocine Ossoukine


Top Billed Cast

  1. Fabienne Babe

    Fabienne Babe


  2. Julien Courbey

    Julien Courbey

    Nico Pasquali

  3. Kader Ayd

    Al Soltani

  4. Hocine Ossoukine

    Benny Leduc

  5. Astrid Veillon

    Astrid Veillon

    Jeanine Dupont

  6. Ramzy Bedia

    Ramzy Bedia


  7. Bernie Bonvoisin

    Bernie Bonvoisin


  8. Emanuel Booz

    Emanuel Booz

    Le tueur

  9. Élie Semoun

    Élie Semoun

    Frère de Ramzy - Dealer

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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