Tip: You can use the 'y:' filter to narrow your results by year. Example: 'star wars y:1977'.

In order for the princess of Magical Land, Punie Tanaka, to become queen she must become a transfer student in a Japanese high school. Due to her potential to become the next ruler, she has many enemies that wish to assassinate her. This proves difficult to them because Punie is both skilled at martial arts and possesses magic powers which she uses to quickly defeat her enemies.

A 6-part OVA series. In this surreal comedy, the witch Tsukune-chan travels the countryside doling out just deserts, be they good or bad.

Somera Nonomoto is the strongest NEET who has inherited the invincible “Nonomoto Mahou-ken” from her late mother. The short anime focuses on the daily life of Somera and the people around her.

After marriage, Sun-ah and Joo-hee seem to have become bored with their husbands. They meet and talked about their worries. Because their husbands coldness, they can't even remember when was the last time they had sex. Joo-hee says she can't take it anymore so she tried to find someone through a dating app but Sun-ah stopped her. After contemplating, they both wore sexy lingeries and tried to seduce their husbands, but it didn't work. Finally, as a last resort, they change husbands for a night and make love...

Arrangement instructor Makiko Norita (Yukie Nakama) displays a dignified smile, but she also makes bitting remarks. Nevertheless, with her magic arrangement skills, arrangement instructor Makiko Norita makes people happy. Based on the book "Jinsei ga Tokimeku Katazuke no Maho" by Marie Kondo (published December 27, 2010 by Sunmark Publishing,Inc.). Marie Kondo is a cleaning consultant and developed popular "KonMari Method" for organizing and storing household items.

August 23, 1980

In this animated short, Roch Carrier recounts the most mortifying moment of his childhood. At a time when all his friends worshipped Maurice "Rocket" Richard and wore his number 9 Canadiens hockey jersey, the boy was mistakenly sent a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey from Eaton's. Unable to convince his mother to send it back, he must face his friends wearing the colours of the opposing team. This short film, based on the book The Hockey Sweater, is an NFB classic that appeals to hockey lovers of all ages.

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