Toonsylvania (1998)
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Corey Burton as
Episodes 21
Blind Date of Frankenstein / Football and Other Body Parts / Unbearable Lightn
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Darla Doily- Demon Doll / The Importance Of Being Urnie /Clone Or Be Cloned / Th
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Love Potion Number Nein!/Attack of the Iguana People/Big Big Bang Theory/Teeth F
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Baby Human/Earth Vs Everything!/Blunder & Lightning/Little Screetchin Riding Hoo
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Built For Speed/A Kiss Before Dying, Unless Of Course, You're Already Dead/Gravi
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Spawn of Santa/Dead Hard/Periodic Table/Eeeww, Don't Swallow the Seeds, Silly
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Doom With a View/Dead Dog Day Afternoon/Evolution & the Attorney/Here There Be M
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Love Hurts/One For Mall & Mall For One/The Brain/Plain As The Nose On Your Face
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Phil Feel Smart/Voodoo Vacation/The Universe/Melissa, Don't Spoil Your Appetite
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Family Plot/A Zombie Is Born/Earthquake Boogie/Melissa & The Three Bears
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Phil's Brain / Jurassic Putt / Bites and Stings / You Keep Bouncing Like That, You're Gonna Hurt Yourself
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The Inferior Decorator / Bang! / Parasites / Melissa Screetch, Earth Ambassador
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Phil's Brain/Jurassic Putt/Bites and Stings/You Keep Bouncing Like That You're G
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The Inferior Decorator/Bang!/Parasites/Melissa Screetch, Earth Ambassador
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Something Weenie This Way Comes/Ideadical Cousins/Melisserella
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Igor's Replacement / The Deadman Bunch
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My Fair Monster / The Nosey Face / Shelf Of Brains
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The Doomed Odyssey/ Attack Of The Fifty Footed Woman/ Becki With An I
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The Longest Day / Take Us To Your Liter / Escape From Wet Nurse Island
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No Title/In Or Out/Melissa Makes A Wish/Madame Olga's Lament
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