G vs E (1999)

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G vs E is an American fantasy-based television action series that had its first season air on USA Network during the summer and autumn of 1999. For the second season the series switched to Sci-Fi Channel in early 2000. The series stars Clayton Rohner, Richard Brooks and Marshall Bell.

G vs E pitted a group of agents who are assigned to "the Corps", a secret agency under the command of Heaven, against the "Morlocks", a group of evildoers from Hell.

The series has a 1970s retro-hip style that is similar to Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. The show is fast-moving and harkens back to the blaxploitation films of the 1970s. It also mixes spy-fi elements with the end of the millennium Zeitgeist of the late 1990s.

NBC Universal's horror-themed cable channel Chiller, which launched on March 1, 2007, aired G vs. E as part of its premiere schedule.

  1. Josh Pate


  2. Jonas Pate


Series Cast

  1. Richard Brooks as

    Richard Brooks

    22 Episodes

  2. Clayton Rohner as

    Clayton Rohner

    22 Episodes

  3. Marshall Bell as

    Marshall Bell

    22 Episodes

  4. Tony Denman as

    Tony Denman

    22 Episodes

  5. Deacon Jones as

    Deacon Jones

    22 Episodes

  6. Tara Reid as Luis' Roommate

    Tara Reid

    Luis' Roommate

    22 Episodes

  7. Lola Glaudini as Charlotte Devane

    Lola Glaudini

    Charlotte Devane

    22 Episodes

  8. Shannon Elizabeth as

    Shannon Elizabeth

    1 Episode

  9. T.J. Thyne as Todd Charleston

    T.J. Thyne

    Todd Charleston

    1 Episode

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 2

2000 • 11 Episodes

Season 2 of G vs E premiered on March 10, 2000.


(2x11, May 12, 2000)

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G vs E


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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