高橋伸也 como Hagler (voice)

Episódios 3

Continuing on their adventure, Tachibana and Jinguuji arrive in a large town with a market and rows of buildings. But Tachibana's "Unparalleled Beauty" Charms men, one after another, leading Jinguuji to resort to purchasing a certain item.

At the same time, a dark swordsman reacts to seeing Jinguuji's wearing a suit, and challenges Jinguuji to a fight. Then Tachibana and Jinguuji learn that the swordsman is actually their fellow countryman...?!

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In order to prove that he is a true hero who has been summoned by a goddess, Schwartz, a high school student who is from Japan just like Tachibana and Jinguuji, has takes on a mission to defeat the living armor which has been attacking tradesmen near the Mercs territory. The living armor only targets magic items, and tries to take Schwartz's holy sword, Gram, and Tachibana's tiara, but...!

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The Goddess of Night, called down by Schwartz's skill, explains the mystery behind Jinguuji's arrival in this world. Tachibana and Jinguuji leave the Mercs territory, heading for the royal capital. Along the way, they stop by a peculiar village where squid is adored. There, as part of the preparations for a strange ceremony, Tachibana is kidnapped as a sacrifice...?!

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