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Battling demons on and off the field.


An anthology series focusing on prominent events involving a sports figure, re-examined through the prism of today’s world and telling the story from multiple perspectives.

  1. Stuart Zicherman


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Series Cast

  1. Josh Rivera as Aaron Hernandez

    Josh Rivera

    Aaron Hernandez

    10 Episodes

  2. Jaylen Barron as Shayanna Jenkins

    Jaylen Barron

    Shayanna Jenkins

    10 Episodes

  3. Lindsay Mendez as Tanya Singleton

    Lindsay Mendez

    Tanya Singleton

    10 Episodes

  4. Ean Castellanos as D.J. Hernandez

    Ean Castellanos

    D.J. Hernandez

    10 Episodes

  5. Tammy Blanchard as Terri Hernandez

    Tammy Blanchard

    Terri Hernandez

    10 Episodes

  6. Alex Meraz as Carlos 'Charlie Boy' Ortiz

    Alex Meraz

    Carlos 'Charlie Boy' Ortiz

    8 Episodes

  7. Catfish Jean as Ernest 'Bo' Wallace

    Catfish Jean

    Ernest 'Bo' Wallace

    7 Episodes

  8. Norbert Leo Butz

    Bill Belichick

    7 Episodes

  9. Roland Buck III as Alexander 'Sherrod' Bradley

    Roland Buck III

    Alexander 'Sherrod' Bradley

    6 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Current Season

Aaron Hernandez


2024 • 10 Episodes

Season 1 charts the rise and fall of NFL superstar Aaron Hernandez and explores the connections of the disparate strands of his identity, his family, his career, his suicide, and their legacy in sports and American culture.

Who Killed Aaron Hernandez?

(1x10, November 12, 2024) Season Finale

View All Seasons

American Sports Story
American Sports Story


Status Returning Series


  • See more TV shows from FX...

Type Scripted

Original Language English


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