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Rodzina zastępcza was a popular Polish primetime comedy series broadcast on Polsat from February 23, 1999 to December 20, 2009. In 2004 the title was changed to Rodzina zastępcza plus and the series got longer episodes, as well as more regular characters and locations.

The series told the story of the Kwiatkowski family, Anka and Jacek, their biological children Majka and Filip, as well as three children they adopted one day - Eliza, Zosia and Romek.

Series Cast

  1. Monika Mrozowska as Majka Kwiatkowska

    Monika Mrozowska

    Majka Kwiatkowska

    156 Episodes

  2. Aleksandra Szwed as Eliza

    Aleksandra Szwed


    156 Episodes

  3. Maryla Rodowicz as Urszula

    Maryla Rodowicz


    156 Episodes

  4. Piotr Fronczewski as Jacek Kwiatkowski

    Piotr Fronczewski

    Jacek Kwiatkowski

    156 Episodes

  5. Aleksander Ihnatowicz


    156 Episodes

  6. Misheel Jargalsajkhan as Zosia

    Misheel Jargalsajkhan


    156 Episodes

  7. Gabriela Kownacka as Anka Kwiatkowska

    Gabriela Kownacka

    Anka Kwiatkowska

    156 Episodes

  8. Sergiusz Żymełka as Filip Kwiatkowski

    Sergiusz Żymełka

    Filip Kwiatkowski

    156 Episodes

  9. Joanna Trzepiecińska as Alicja 'Alutka' Kosson

    Joanna Trzepiecińska

    Alicja 'Alutka' Kosson

    156 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 5

2003 • 16 Episodes

Season 5 of Rodzina zastępcza premiered on September 7, 2003.

Porwanie delfina

(5x16, January 4, 2004) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Rodzina zastępcza
Rodzina zastępcza


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language Polish


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