Pugwall (1989)

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Pugwall is an Australian children's television series. It revolves around the title character Peter Unwin George Wall, PUGWALL, and his friends as they form a band called the Orange Organics.

Series Cast

  1. Ken James as Frank 'Herohead' Wall

    Ken James

    Frank 'Herohead' Wall

    42 Episodes

  2. Jason Torrens

    Peter Unwin George 'Pugwall' Wall

    42 Episodes

  3. Ricky Fleming


    42 Episodes

  4. Jay McCormack

    Yuri 'Orfo' Orfonsinski

    42 Episodes

  5. Emma Snow

    Marion 'Marmaloid' Wall

    42 Episodes

  6. Troy Beckwith

    Jeremy 'Bazza' Bazlington

    42 Episodes

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Pugwall's Summer

1991 • 26 Episodes

Peter Unwin George Wall, otherwise known as Pugwall, had a big dream — to be in a successful rock band. With the help of his mates Bazza, Orfo, Stringbean and Jenny, he created The Orange Organics. Now it's Summer and Pugwall has his own goals to achieve. He makes a list with his best friend Orfo and together they set about achieving them: making money, driving the school wardens wild, getting a suntan and working towards the release of a record with the band.

Go for Gold

(2x26, July 23, 1991) Season Finale

View All Seasons



Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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