Adrián Uribe as Mansilla

Episodes 13

El profesor Fuentes

August 17, 200940m

After an ugly streak of bad luck Franco Montero is forced to adopt his 10 year old brother (who happens to be a child prodigy). With his help, Franco solves an unbelievably complex locked room mystery.

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El caso Peralta

August 24, 200940m

With the help of Lorenzo and Mansilla, Franco must solve his first case as a detective (a mysterious explosion).

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El caso del asesino gordo

August 31, 200940m

A famous TV producer is murdered by a morbidly obese guy. Franco, Lorenzo and Mansilla must go, undercover, into a the TV station to solve the mystery.

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El caso del extranjero solitario

September 7, 200940m

During a camping trip Lorenzo investigates the disappearance of a mysterious tourist.

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La única heredera

September 14, 200940m

Lorenzo creates a sound amplifier that help to solve a mysterious case of a false heiress; also Lorenzo knows Quilombo, a Rock Guitarist that help to solve this case.

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El loco de la azotea

September 21, 200940m

Franco has 2 problems to solve, a sniper kills 3 victims and the visit of a inspector that wants to take Lorenzo with another family. Franco also knows Sanji, Serrano's nephew & new member of the brigade.

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El engima de otro mundo

September 28, 200940m

Franco & Lorenzo take a little vacations out of the city, but they finds a mysterious case, a man is missing and everybody thinks that its because an UFO abducting.

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Diez minutos antes de morir

October 5, 200940m

A man appears dead with a knife in chest, 4 family declared guilty their selves and later innocents, nobody knows, not even Lorenzo, who is responsible. They are missing an clue that involves a fifth suspect.

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Muerte en escena

October 12, 200940m

Lorenzo, Franco, Mancilla and Sanji are witnesses of a murder during a theatre function when the actors are using a real weapon, they have to know if the responsible are one of the actors or if its an accident.

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Tiempos difíciles

October 19, 200940m

Lorenzo is sad because other children always are bothering him, they invited him to a costume party but he doesn't know if he should go. Franco has to solve the hardest mystery but this time Lorenzo can't help him because his depression.

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El grupo de los cuatro

October 26, 200940m

Someone wants to kill Serrano and everybody think that was Frantco who shot him because he is in love with Serrano's ex-girlfriend. In this case, Franco, Lorenzo and Mancilla discover a network of corruption of their boss.

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El profesional

November 2, 200940m

Serrano hires an assassin named Darío to kill all who knows about his secret, including Franco. Darío kidnaps Lorenzo as a trap to kill Franco. Serrano is in the hospital, but apparently his health state is normal.

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El final

Season Finale
November 9, 200940m

Serrano escapes from the hospital. Franco is the new commander but this work is too difficult. Lorenzo has an opportunity to study in an important school, but this means that he needs to live in another city, away from his brother.

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