Episodes 14


The Return of Chef

March 22, 200622m

The town is excited when Chef returns to town after world traveling with the “Super Adventure Club,” but the boys notice something is different about Chef. It seems that Chef’s new sense of adventure has gotten the better of him and the boys try to save him.

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Smug Alert

March 29, 200622m

Stan is the driving force who gets the citizens of South Park to all buy hybrid cars. Just as everyone starts to feel really good about what they’re doing to help save the earth, a stormy dark mass has started accumulating over the town.

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Cartoon Wars (1)

April 5, 200622m

Cartman and Kyle are at war over the popular cartoon, Family Guy. Kyle loves it and Cartman hates it. When the show airs some controversial content the boys go on a cross country chase with the fate of Family Guy lying with the first boy to reach Hollywood.

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Cartoon Wars (2)

April 12, 200622m

With Kyle left behind, Cartman makes his way to FOX to get the Family Guy episode pulled, hoping to ultimately get rid of the show once and for all.

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A Million Little Fibers

April 19, 200622m

Towelie writes a book and it gets selected for Oprah’s book club. It becomes a best seller with everyone getting a lot help for their addictions; until a faction of Oprah's staff leak the truth about the book.

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April 26, 200622m

While assisting an ex-Vice President in his quest for attention, the boys get trapped by a cave-in and while searching for a way out, Cartman discovers treasure. Now he has to figure out how to get out of the cave without the others knowing about it and he can keep it all for himself.

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Mid-Season Finale
May 3, 200622m

When Cartman's mom realizes she can't control her son anymore, she gets help from an expert. Cesar Millan, “The Dog Whisperer" takes on the challenge and while he might have what it takes, Eric Cartman's not going down without a fight.

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Make Love, Not Warcraft

October 4, 200622m

A renegade player threatens the Massively Multiplayer Online game World of Warcraft and the fate of the game lay in the hands of Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Kenny.

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Mystery of the Urinal Deuce

October 11, 200622m

Cartman reveals who masterminded the attacks of 9/11, while Kyle and Stan search for the real truth; meanwhile Mr. Mackey just wants to know who dropped the deuce in the urinal.

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Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy

October 18, 200622m

Cartman, South Park Elementary’s new hallway monitor, takes it personally when he finds out that a teacher has been kissing a student in his jurisdiction. He helps Kyle stop his little brother’s affair with his “Nice” hot teacher.

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Crew 2

Directed by: Trey Parker

Written by: Trey Parker

Guest Stars 0 Full Cast & Crew

No guest stars have been added.


Hell on Earth 2006

October 25, 200622m

Satan is throwing the world's biggest Halloween costume party, and no one is getting in without a blue wrist band. Unfortunately, even Satan can't plan for everything as a religious organization and the antics of the most notorious serial killers of all time might ruin his good time.

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Go God Go (1)

November 1, 200622m

The topic of evolution is introduced to the 4th graders of South Park Elementary and while their teacher is against the theory a change of mind has implications for the future. And speaking of the future, Cartman is trying to send himself there; to the exact date that the newest video game console, the Nintendo Wii is being released.

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Go God Go XII (2)

November 8, 200622m

Last week, in an attempt to make his wait for the Wii instantaneous, Cartman froze himself. Through a bizarre twist of fate, he woke up 500 years in the future, where there are warring factions, some angry sea otters, and worst of all: No Nintendo Wii! Will Cartman get out of this crazy future? Or will he be doomed to never get his hands on the Wii?

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Stanley's Cup

Season Finale
November 15, 200622m

Stan becomes coach of a Pee Wee Hockey team and for the benefit of one his players he tries to make them into a team of winners. Meanwhile his father deals with the memory of Stan’s performance in a Pee Wee hockey game from years earlier, when Stan had the opportunity to score the game winning goal.

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