Sydney Tafler as

Episodes 3

Daylight Robbery

November 13, 196350m

When a Newtown pillar box begins to belch smoke Graham's first reaction is that someone has been posting red hot love letters. But by the time thirteen pillar boxes have been burned out he and Lynch are on the trail of an unusual kind of pyromaniac. Meanwhile Sgt. Watt is keeping an eye on Oliver Snow, a visitor from London who goes out of his way to be offensive.

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March 8, 197350m

A member of a visiting Trade Delegation takes a positive step concerning th future. But Sgt. Stone's future is left for Connor and Richards to fight over.

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Two Wise Monkeys

March 4, 197450m

When villains like Burford and Tyndale fall out they will go to any lengths to settle a score. And somewhere along the line the police have to take drastic measures.

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