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The Brief (2004)

NR Drama
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Henry Farmer is a clever minded criminal practice attorney whose every day is a juggling act between surviving his messy personal life and pleading cases only he can win. Whether he's trying to keep an innocent person from going to jail or save himself from financial ruin, Henry's life is a symphony of chaos. His long list of problems includes a mountain of gambling debts, an affair with an important politician's wife, a distant son, and a sharp-tongued father who's also a judge.

Series Cast

  1. Alan Davies as Henry Farmer

    Alan Davies

    Henry Farmer

    8 Episodes

  2. Cherie Lunghi as Cleo Steyn QC

    Cherie Lunghi

    Cleo Steyn QC

    8 Episodes

  3. Christopher Fulford as Ray Scanlon

    Christopher Fulford

    Ray Scanlon

    8 Episodes

  4. Linda Bassett as Maureen Tyler

    Linda Bassett

    Maureen Tyler

    8 Episodes

  5. Edward Petherbridge as Gillespie

    Edward Petherbridge


    8 Episodes

  6. Zara Turner as Polly Graham

    Zara Turner

    Polly Graham

    8 Episodes

  7. Jennifer Ellison as Alice Rae

    Jennifer Ellison

    Alice Rae

    8 Episodes

  8. Robert Whitelock as Ben Halliwell

    Robert Whitelock

    Ben Halliwell

    8 Episodes

  9. Frank Mills


    4 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 2

2005 • 4 Episodes

Season 2 of The Brief premiered on October 6, 2005.

The Architect's Wife

(2x4, October 28, 2005) Season Finale

View All Seasons

The Brief


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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