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Morangos com Açúcar was a Portuguese Teen drama. It was broadcast daily on the Portuguese TV station TVI between 30 August 2003 to 15 September 2012. It has also been broadcast in Angola, Syria, Brazil and Romania.

  1. Casa da Criação


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Series Cast

  1. Bruno Simões as Jorge

    Bruno Simões


    824 Episodes

  2. Luís Gaspar as Durval

    Luís Gaspar


    770 Episodes

  3. Ana Guiomar as Marta Navarro

    Ana Guiomar

    Marta Navarro

    770 Episodes

  4. Tiago Castro as Crómio

    Tiago Castro


    737 Episodes

  5. João Lobo as

    João Lobo

    735 Episodes

  6. André Patrício as Frederico and Pedro rocha

    André Patrício

    Frederico, Pedro rocha

    537 Episodes

  7. Sara Santos as Simara

    Sara Santos


    533 Episodes

  8. Rui Andrade as João Pedro Dinis

    Rui Andrade

    João Pedro Dinis

    533 Episodes

  9. Sofia Duarte Silva as Ângela Trindade

    Sofia Duarte Silva

    Ângela Trindade

    533 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

9: Segue o Teu Sonho

2011 • 221 Episodes

Season 9 of Strawberries with Sugar premiered on September 12, 2011.

Episode 221

(9x221, May 25, 2012) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Strawberries with Sugar
Strawberries with Sugar


Original Name Morangos com Açúcar

Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language Portuguese


Content Score 


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