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Stories about people who get into problems who use the help of Virgin Mary and where a rose appears and their problems are solved.

  1. Carlos Mercado Orduña


Series Cast

  1. Steph Bumelcrownd as Adriana / Fernanda / Federica /Sara/Minerva

    Steph Bumelcrownd

    Adriana / Fernanda / Federica /Sara/Minerva

    872 Episodes

  2. Ara Saldivar as Conductora

    Ara Saldivar


    7 Episodes

  3. Joaquín Bondoni as Rufino, Ernesto, Emilio, Bernardo, Fabricio, and Juanjo

    Joaquín Bondoni

    Rufino, Ernesto, Emilio, Bernardo and 2 more...

    6 Episodes

  4. Regina Reynoso as Ana (niña)/, Roberta/, Mirna/, and Teresita/

    Regina Reynoso

    Ana (niña)/, Roberta/, Mirna/, Teresita/

    4 Episodes

  5. Andrea Lagunés as Lolis / Silvana / Glenda / Rorra / Malena / Thalía / Marissa / Berenice / Gema

    Andrea Lagunés

    Lolis / Silvana / Glenda / Rorra / Malena / Thalía / Marissa / Berenice / Gema

    2 Episodes

  6. Sebastián Athié as Neto / Samuel

    Sebastián Athié

    Neto / Samuel

    2 Episodes

  7. Wendy González as Adriana and Rosa

    Wendy González

    Adriana, Rosa

    2 Episodes

  8. Pilar Ramírez

    Alicia, Cliente de supermercado

    2 Episodes

  9. Salvador Ibarra

    Jaime, Javier

    2 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 14

— • 38 Episodes

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Episode 61

(14x61, July 20, 2022)

View All Seasons

La rosa de Guadalupe
La rosa de Guadalupe


Status Ended


  • See more TV shows from Las Estrellas...

Type Scripted

Original Language Spanish; Castilian


Content Score 


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  • Regular cast members (4 or more)
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