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Mouth to Mouth is a 2009 comedy-drama television series written by Karl Minns and broadcast on BBC Three. A successful pilot episode of the programme had been broadcast in 2008, starring the same female cast as the full series but no males and with a significantly different story. Each of the six episodes follow a monologue structure where each of the main characters describe their life around the same date. As the series progresses the viewer discovers how each of the lives are interwoven. On the surface the script has some fine humorous moments but underlying it deals with some serious issues.

Series Cast

  1. Ayesha Antoine as Devine

    Ayesha Antoine


    6 Episodes

  2. Anna Nightingale as Meeshell

    Anna Nightingale


    6 Episodes

  3. Pippa Duffy as Faith

    Pippa Duffy


    6 Episodes

  4. Alex Price as Tyler

    Alex Price


    6 Episodes

  5. Shane Zaza as Rakim

    Shane Zaza


    6 Episodes

  6. Simon Coombs


    6 Episodes

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1

2009 • 6 Episodes

Season 1 of Mouth to Mouth premiered on November 23, 2009.


(1x6, December 7, 2009) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Mouth to Mouth


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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