Love Child (2014)

M Drama
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The lives of staff at the fictional Kings Cross Hospital and the wild streets of Darlinghurst in the 1960s.

Joan Miller is a smart and sophisticated midwife who returns home from London to take a job at the Kings Cross Hospital. Dr Patrick McNaughton is a charismatic head of obstetrics at Kings Cross Hospital. Frances Bolton is the tough matron who also controls the running of Stanton House, a home for unwed pregnant young women.

  1. Sarah Lambert


Series Cast

  1. Jessica Marais as Joan Miller

    Jessica Marais

    Joan Miller

    36 Episodes

  2. Mandy McElhinney as Matron Frances Bolton

    Mandy McElhinney

    Matron Frances Bolton

    36 Episodes

  3. Miranda Tapsell as Martha Tennant

    Miranda Tapsell

    Martha Tennant

    36 Episodes

  4. Sophie Bloom as Vivian Maguire

    Sophie Bloom

    Vivian Maguire

    34 Episodes

  5. Harriet Dyer as Patricia Saunders

    Harriet Dyer

    Patricia Saunders

    29 Episodes

  6. Andrew Ryan as Simon Bowditch

    Andrew Ryan

    Simon Bowditch

    28 Episodes

  7. Jonathan LaPaglia as Dr. Patrick McNaughton

    Jonathan LaPaglia

    Dr. Patrick McNaughton

    26 Episodes

  8. Ella Scott Lynch as Shirley Ryan

    Ella Scott Lynch

    Shirley Ryan

    26 Episodes

  9. Gracie Gilbert as Annie Carmichael

    Gracie Gilbert

    Annie Carmichael

    26 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 4

2017 • 10 Episodes

Season 4 of Love Child premiered on May 2, 2017.

Episode 10

(4x10, July 4, 2017) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Love Child
Love Child


Status Ended


  • See more TV shows from Nine Network...

Type Scripted

Original Language English


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