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The West Wing (1999)

TV-14 Drama
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Right place. Right time. Right man.


The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the stories of the members of a fictional presidential administration. These interesting characters have humor and dedication that touches the heart while the politics that they discuss touch on everyday life.

  1. Aaron Sorkin


Series Cast

  1. Martin Sheen as President Josiah Bartlet

    Martin Sheen

    President Josiah Bartlet

    154 Episodes

  2. Allison Janney as C.J. Cregg

    Allison Janney

    C.J. Cregg

    154 Episodes

  3. John Spencer as Leo McGarry

    John Spencer

    Leo McGarry

    154 Episodes

  4. Bradley Whitford as Josh Lyman

    Bradley Whitford

    Josh Lyman

    154 Episodes

  5. Janel Moloney as Donna Moss

    Janel Moloney

    Donna Moss

    145 Episodes

  6. Richard Schiff as Toby Ziegler

    Richard Schiff

    Toby Ziegler

    143 Episodes

  7. Dulé Hill as Charlie Young

    Dulé Hill

    Charlie Young

    138 Episodes

  8. NiCole Robinson as Margaret Hooper

    NiCole Robinson

    Margaret Hooper

    106 Episodes

  9. Melissa Fitzgerald

    Carol Fitzpatrick

    101 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 7


2005 • 22 Episodes

After nearly eight years, President Bartlet's time in the White House has come to an end, and two formidable men vie for the Presidency: Arnold Vinick, a Republican senator from California, and Matthew Santos, a three-term Houston Democratic congressman. After suffering a heart attack, former Advisor to the President Leo McGarry resolutely serves as Santos' vice presidential running mate, ably assisted by Annabeth Schott. Former Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman keeps his highly regarded political mind in overdrive as Santos' campaign manager.


(7x22, May 14, 2006) Season Finale

View All Seasons

The West Wing
The West Wing


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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