Épisodes 3


Volume 1

13 août 200420m

Show Overview: Going through life is hard enough for a coed at her sexual peak in an academy full of horny boys, but it's even harder when she's got horny boy parts of her own. Miss Futaba finds it hard to sit quietly in class when something down there keeps her too distracted to think straight. Day in and day out, she's waiting for the classes to end so she can run off and relieve her pent-up desires. When a few others find out about her secret, her sex life explodes into new heights as every possibility is put into practice.

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Volume 2

10 décembre 200420m

Show Overview: Going through life is hard enough for a coed at her sexual peak in an academy full of horny boys, but it's even harder when she's got horny boy parts of her own. Miss Futaba finds it hard to sit quietly in class when something down there keeps her too distracted to think straight. Day in and day out, she's waiting for the classes to end so she can run off and relieve her pent-up desires. When a few others find out about her secret, her sex life explodes into new heights as every possibility is put into practice.

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Volume 3

27 mai 200520m

Show Overview: Going through life is hard enough for a coed at her sexual peak in an academy full of horny boys, but it's even harder when she's got horny boy parts of her own. Miss Futaba finds it hard to sit quietly in class when something down there keeps her too distracted to think straight. Day in and day out, she's waiting for the classes to end so she can run off and relieve her pent-up desires. When a few others find out about her secret, her sex life explodes into new heights as every possibility is put into practice.

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