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To know the truth, close your eyes and see


In a quiet town, two boys find a woman's mutilated body. After becoming suspects at first and realizing there is a mystery behind that murder, they decide to investigate the case with the help of an enigmatic old man. When a vertiginous spiral of violence is triggered, conspiracy begins to emerge and the boys must discover the truth as soon as possible in order not to become the next victims.

  1. Ricardo Linhares


Series Cast

  1. Antônio Fagundes as Ubiratan

    Antônio Fagundes


    10 Episodes

  2. João Gabriel D'Aleluia as Paulo Roberto Antunes

    João Gabriel D'Aleluia

    Paulo Roberto Antunes

    10 Episodes

  3. Xande Valois as Eduardo Massarani

    Xande Valois

    Eduardo Massarani

    10 Episodes

  4. Débora Falabella as Isabel Marques Torres

    Débora Falabella

    Isabel Marques Torres

    10 Episodes

  5. Murilo Benício as Prefeito Adriano Marques

    Murilo Benício

    Prefeito Adriano Marques

    10 Episodes

  6. Mariana Ximenes as Adalgisa Bastos

    Mariana Ximenes

    Adalgisa Bastos

    10 Episodes

  7. Gabriel Braga Nunes as Geraldo Bastos

    Gabriel Braga Nunes

    Geraldo Bastos

    10 Episodes

  8. Enzo Romani as Renato dos Santos

    Enzo Romani

    Renato dos Santos

    10 Episodes

  9. Thainá Duarte as Anita

    Thainá Duarte


    10 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season


2019 • 10 Episodes

Season 1 of If I Close My Eyes Now premiered on April 8, 2019.

Os Vivos e os Mortos

(1x10, April 8, 2019) Season Finale

View All Seasons

If I Close My Eyes Now
If I Close My Eyes Now


Original Name Se Eu Fechar os Olhos Agora

Status Ended


  • See more TV shows from Globoplay...

Type Miniseries

Original Language Portuguese


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