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Lame Ducks is a British television sitcom made by the BBC in 1984 and written by Peter J. Hammond.

In one of the more dark and surreal plotlines, it starred John Duttine as Brian Drake, a man who, when suffering a serious injury after being hit by a truck, can no longer work and decides to head off to live as a hermit. As he goes along, he is joined by various other outcasts, including a woman called Angie.

Later, a private detective called Ansell, hired by Drake's wife, locates the group, but as an outcast himself, decides to join them.

The show ran for two series.

Series Cast

  1. Jonathan Duttine

    12 Episodes

  2. Brian Murphy as

    Brian Murphy

    12 Episodes

  3. Lorraine Chase as

    Lorraine Chase

    12 Episodes

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 2

1985 • 6 Episodes

Season 2 of Lame Ducks premiered on September 17, 1985.

Episode 6

(2x6, October 22, 1985) Season Finale

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Lame Ducks


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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