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  1. Ramón Campos


  2. Gema R. Neira


  3. Diego Sotelo


Series Cast

  1. Miguel Ángel Silvestre as Pablo Ibar

    Miguel Ángel Silvestre

    Pablo Ibar

    4 Episodes

  2. Marisé Álvarez as Tanya Ibar

    Marisé Álvarez

    Tanya Ibar

    4 Episodes

  3. Ramon Agirre as Candido Ibar

    Ramon Agirre

    Candido Ibar

    4 Episodes

  4. Laura de la Uz as Cristina

    Laura de la Uz


    4 Episodes

  5. Pau Poch as Michael

    Pau Poch


    4 Episodes

  6. Gianpiero Cognoli as Phil Gentile

    Gianpiero Cognoli

    Phil Gentile

    4 Episodes

  7. Simão Cayatte as Charles Bennet

    Simão Cayatte

    Charles Bennet

    4 Episodes

  8. Nick Devlin as Benjamin Waxman

    Nick Devlin

    Benjamin Waxman

    4 Episodes

  9. Eric Goode as Mike Rowland

    Eric Goode

    Mike Rowland

    4 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1

2019 • 4 Episodes

Season 1 of En el corredor de la muerte premiered on September 13, 2019.

Episode 4

(1x4, September 13, 2019) Season Finale

View All Seasons

En el corredor de la muerte
En el corredor de la muerte


Status Ended


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Type Miniseries

Original Language Spanish; Castilian


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