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Çocuk (2019)

16 DramaSoap
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Being the daughter of a prostitute mother, Akca gives up her motherhood in order to give her child a better future. The bride of a wealthy family, Sule promises to be a mother to Akca's baby for a lifetime. She looks at the baby she named Efe and raises him. Things change with the birth of Sule's own child.

  1. Serkan Birinci


Series Cast

  1. Nazan Kesal as Asiye Karasu

    Nazan Kesal

    Asiye Karasu

    18 Episodes

  2. İsmail Hacıoğlu as Hasan Çetin

    İsmail Hacıoğlu

    Hasan Çetin

    18 Episodes

  3. Serhat Teoman as Ali Kemal Karasu

    Serhat Teoman

    Ali Kemal Karasu

    18 Episodes

  4. Merve Çağıran as Akça Yılmaz

    Merve Çağıran

    Akça Yılmaz

    18 Episodes

  5. Ceyda Ateş as Şule Karasu

    Ceyda Ateş

    Şule Karasu

    18 Episodes

  6. Kenan Acar as Murat Karasu

    Kenan Acar

    Murat Karasu

    18 Episodes

  7. Okday Korunan as Osman Şahin

    Okday Korunan

    Osman Şahin

    18 Episodes

  8. Nimet İyigün as Emine Yılmaz

    Nimet İyigün

    Emine Yılmaz

    18 Episodes

  9. Aylin Aras as Ayşe Şahin

    Aylin Aras

    Ayşe Şahin

    18 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1

2019 • 18 Episodes

Season 1 of Çocuk premiered on September 9, 2019.

Episode 18

(1x18, January 28, 2020) Season Finale

View All Seasons



Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language Turkish


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