Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Written by The Movie Mob on February 11, 2023

Avengers: Endgame is a once-in-a-lifetime masterpiece that did the impossible by exceeding sky-high expectations and delivering a proper send-off to a beloved cast of superheroes.

Avengers: Endgame had 21 years of rising fan expectations, the pressure to conclude a saga spanning dozens of films, and the need to adequately resolve one of the most surprising and desperate cliffhangers in history… The Russo Brothers not only delivered on all the hopes and dreams of legions of fans but shattered expectations and box office records. Who would have thought that two guys whose resume was limited to the paintball episode of Community could perfectly balance the MCU’s carefree goofy personality with the hopeless and impossible story of the Avengers’ failure to save half of the universe? Endgame takes the time to tell the story of each original Avenger, showing their growth, pain, and heroism in a way that gives each hero a powerful and satisfying send-off. There are so many moments of this film that will go down in cinematic history that had the crowd in the theater erupting in applause and wiping away tears. I’m not sure we will ever bear witness to a film like Avengers: Endgame, with 21 movies and 21 years of storytelling culminating in one of the most epic finales of all time. Whoever says that comic book films can’t be Oscar-worthy masterpieces ignores the history made by Avenger: Endgame.