24 filmų

2024 birželio 23

Stepmother Doris' final feast turns deadly when her dying husband's three children plot to poison her, driven by a sinister desire to claim their father's inheritance.

1999 rugsėjo 14

After his daughter is contaminated with an unknown poison gas and put into an induced coma, her father, a sports reporter, starts his own research to obtain a sample of the gas so that an antidote can be developed. The trail leads to Morocco, but a powerful organization tries to stop the father's efforts.

2020 gegužės 21

A depressed pianist is slowly poisoned by his chef.

1996 lapkričio 18

Philipp Gabert and his best friend, Dr. Nicolas Amberg, are hiking in the mountains. Suddenly, Philipp suffers a strange attack of weakness and loses consciousness. Nicolas is only just able to prevent his fall. But the friendship between the two men is burdened by a problem: Nicolas is secretly in love with Philipp's wife Julia - and feels like a traitor. When the men set off on another mountain tour, only one of them returns. Was it an accident or murder?

1947 balandžio 14

Playboy Larry Blendon introduces his grandmother Stella Blendon to his fiancée, radio singer Virginia Berneaux. Despite Larry's record of broken romances and divorces, Virginia decides she will marry him. Virginia is slain that night and Blandon telephones his friend, Philo Vance, to help find the killer.

A story of an actor named Oleg whose wife has been seduced by his neighbor. As he is thoroughly convinced of her infidelity, he would like to poison her. An old man named Prokhorov helps him to get rid of his wife by lecturing about famous deaths caused by poisoning. It is from Prokhorov we learn that many famous and not so famous like Cesare Borgia and Caligula were killed as they were poisoned.

1988 sausio 9

Documentary about the Radium Dial Company and the aftereffects experienced by its workers from repeated exposure to radioactive paint.

1966 balandžio 6

Rasputin, a crazed and debauched monk wreaks havoc at the local inn one night, chopping off the hand of one of the drinkers. As the bitter locals plan their revenge, the evil Rasputin works his power over the beautiful women who serve at the Tsar's palace. Even the Tsarina herself is seduced by his evil ways and, as his influence begins to dominate government policy, there is only one course of action left... to destroy him before he destroys them all.

1953 liepos 24

Whitney Cameron is in a quandary: he's attracted to his beautiful sister-in-law, Lynn, but also harbors serious suspicions about her. Her husband, Cameron's brother, died under mysterious circumstances, and now that the death of her stepchild, Polly, has been attributed to poisoning, he suspects that Lynn is after his late brother's estate, and killing everyone in her way.

1941 gegužės 2

Greedy heirs wait in a mansion for a rich cat lover to die, only to learn her cats come first.

In the year 180 A.D. Germanic tribes are about to invade the Roman empire from the north. In the midst of this crisis ailing emperor Marcus Aurelius has to make a decission about his successor between his son Commodus, who is obsessed by power, and the loyal general Gaius Livius.

1955 lapkričio 1

A man and a woman are poisoned. The woman dies, but the man survives. The finger of blame begins to point at the man. A policeman and a newspaper journalist pursue the truth.

2013 gegužės 3

Režisieriaus Arielio Vromeno filmo „Ledo žmogus“ („The Iceman“) prototipas – per 100 žmonių nužudęs Rčardas Kuklinskis. Ričardas Kuklinskis turi žmoną ir dvi dukteris, yra atsidavęs tėvas ir mylintis vyras. Tačiau šis vyras gyvena dvigubą gyvenimą. Šeimai nežinant, Ričardas dirba negailestingu samdomu žudiku. Jis nusikaltėlių gaujai žudo žmones pagal užsakymą. Kai 1986 m. Kuklinskis buvo suimtas policijos, jo šeima net nežinojo, kuo vyras ir tėvas užsiima. Filmas sukurtas remiantis tikra istorija.

1952 lapkričio 20

A Man investigates the disappearance of two of his friends who were the guests of a sinister Austrian count.

In the 1980 French countryside, farmer Jojo and his ill-tempered wife Lulu hate each other, though their respective interests speak against divorce. The only thing that keeps the oppressed Jojo from murder is the threat of the guillotine...

1945 sausio 31

Genial shopkeeper Philip has to endure the constant nagging of a shrewish wife while he secretly yearns for a pretty young stenographer. When the henpecking gets to be too much, Philip murders his wife and manages to make her death look like an accident. A ruthless blackmailer and a low-key detective both discover Philip's secret, and he has to decide which of them poses the more dangerous threat.

926-siais Kinijos karališkąją šeimą drąsko maištingas perversmas, o kadaise beprotiškai įsimylėjusių stiprių asmenybių jausmai jau atšalo. Klastingą išdavystę nujautęs Imperatorius (akt. Chow Yun-Fatas) palaipsniui ne savo rankomis nuodyja neištikimą žmoną (akt. Gong Li). Didingos šalies valdovas negali atleisti Imperatorienei už daug skausmo kainuojančią neištikimybę ir slaptus seksualinius santykius su jo paties sūnumi iš pirmosios santuokos karūnuotuoju princu Wanu (akt. Liu Ye), kuris taip pat yra užmezgęs antrąjį meilės romaną su vyriausiojo rūmų gydytojo dukra Chan. Artėjant kasmetinei šventei karališkųjų rūmų pievoje pražysta nepakartojamą atmosferą skleidžiančios auksinės gėlės, t.y. geltonosios chrizantemos. Grandiozinio festivalio išvakarėse namo nelauktai sugrįžta Imperatorius ir jo sūnus princas Jai'us (akt. Jay Chou), kuris ilgiausiai kovojo alinančiame kare su mongolais prie šiaurinės šalies sienos.

In autumn 2016, demonstrations sprang up all over Europe against the CETA free-trade agreement between the European Union and Canada. The reason? An obscure clause which allows multinationals to sue nation states if they feel their profits may be damaged by government decisions. An investigation into the hidden world of international arbitration.

Ši režisieriaus Veso Andersono komedija - meilės laiškas žurnalistams, kurioje veiksmas vyksta Amerikos laikraščio redakcijoje, išgalvotame XX-ojo amžiaus Prancūzijos mieste. Šiame filme realiam gyvenimui atgyja istorijos, išspausdintos „Prancūzijos kronikų“ žurnale.

2009 vasario 5

Someone at the prestigious Danforth Academy is trying to make the students sick. Is it Mia or Riley, the rich girls? Or could it be Emily, the Principal's daughter? Whoever it is, Abby, Paige, Claire and Taylor will have to put aside their differences and join together to solve the mystery!

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