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Lourdes (2019)

NR 02/08/2023 (US) Documentary 1h 35m
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LOURDES, a small village where the Virgin Mary appeared to a young girl about 150 years ago. Still today LOURDES is more alive than ever. And Our Lady remains active and attentive to each of her children. About 6 million people visit it every year. After the pandemic, her devotion is increasing. The multitudinous processions of people seeking a miracle feed a small army of caregivers (nurses, volunteers, hospitalists) who accompany them. These pilgrims are an amazing display of humanity: accident victims, the terminally ill, an overweight teenager being bullied at school, a group of prostitutes and trans people from Paris, etc. LOURDES is an insightful meditation on the human capacity for empathy and hope, and especially a journey into the mystery of religious faith in the face of life's profound tribulations.

  1. Thierry Demaizière


  2. Alban Teurlai


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Original Language French

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