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Justice League reviews are coming in. Guess some lucky few got to see the movie ahead of the general public.


No surprise there about everyone liking Wonder Woman... More humour (hurrah!) People are calling out some issues, but overall everyone thought the movie was better than its predecessors. It would be interesting what the critics think and how well this movie will go against Thor: Ragnarok.

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Happy to read these comments, now I'm really looking fwd to it. =)

Review from Variety


I personally liked Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman, so I don’t agree with this review 100% on that note. But I am hopeful JL will do better than these two movies.

I am a bit worried though — the review seems to hint Superman may only appear towards the last 10 mins of the movie.

Slate has reviews from various critics.


A bit worrying Rotten Tomatoes is delaying the release of the reviews.

It seems more likely now, this movie will have mixed reviews, but still make a lot of money in the box office. Whether it would beat Thor will be interesting to see...

@ToniTurnyne said:

Review from Variety


I personally liked Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman, so I don’t agree with this review 100% on that note. But I am hopeful JL will do better than these two movies.

I am a bit worried though — the review seems to hint Superman may only appear towards the last 10 mins of the movie.

I just saw the last ten minutes of the movie. I think.


It's eh. . . you know he comes out of his deep sleep and thinks the JL are against him. He fights them and only stops when he sees Louis. In the last minute of the movie, he wears a suit, opens it to show the "S", soars into the sky, and the credits run.

@Poetist said: SPOILER

It's eh. . . you know he comes out of his deep sleep and thinks the JL are against him. He fights them and only stops when he sees Louis. In the last minute of the movie, he wears a suit, opens it to show the "S", soars into the sky, and the credits run.

Oh no, it does sound his part is very limited. More worried about the new reviews that doesn’t sound too good. I just can’t figure out how DC can come up with great animated JL or Batman animated TV series or straight to video animated movies but don’t do the live movies too well. (Is it because of Snyder?)

The only good reviews I’ve seen so far is anything related to Wonder Woman and I’m like, for real? I really can’t figure out what all the fuss is about Gal Gadot’s performance when I didn’t think she needed to be in BvS and her solo movie was boring for me.

Oh well, I’ll still watch the movie and hope for the best that a lot more movie goers would enjoy it more than the critics

@ToniTurnyne said:

Oh no, it does sound his part is very limited. More worried about the new reviews that doesn’t sound too good. I just can’t figure out how DC can come up with great animated JL or Batman animated TV series or straight to video animated movies but don’t do the live movies too well. (Is it because of Snyder?)

Me either and it is Snyder. I don't understand why don't they hire the television crew to do the film.

Well, currently the Rotten Tomato meter has it at 39%. I personally feel this movie deserved more than that. After seeing it, I could see the issues and flaws, but overall, I still enjoyed it.

Happy to see that HC/Superman didn’t only show up in the last few mins of the movie. But the CGI they did to make his facial hair disappear was absolutely bad. In a movie, where a lot of people weren’t too impressed with the CGI, or the overuse of it, that ‘special effects’ they did on his face just brought it to a different level of bad. (And I actually didn’t mind the other CGI as most people do, but what they did to his face - UGH!)

All the heroes, I think, were given a chance to shine, though I personally would have wanted more Aquaman. (Aquaman definitely rocks and does not suck in this film.) There were a lot more humour in this movie (thanks to Whedon), but I hate the fact that a lot of if were already shown in the trailers, so their impact when seeing the entire movie was dampened a bit.

I’m still lamenting that Superman is with Lois Lane, and not with Wonder Woman in this film, but I must admit, I like the the underlying chemistry between Diana Prince and Bruce Wayne. I hope to see this more in future DC movies.

Well, I've seen it. I liked WB because they were different from Marvel. I own every DC movie since Batman Begins. I won't be purchasing Justice League unless there is a pure Zack Snyder director's cut. I hate what the studio did to this movie, including the soulless soundtrack. Apparently the soundtrack is from a Tim Burton, Batman movie. I wouldn't know, because I HATED ALL of them. Hans Zimmer's soundtrack is one of my favorite things about Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. Seriously. He's an Oscar winner! So disgusted.

But if you love Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all things Marvel, you will love this movie.

I personally hope that when Zack is ready he signs on with Netflix or Amazon and continues to make movies. I understand the studio stays out the directors way on these platforms. I would love to see him work on The Defenders.

As for Henry, he's still pretty on the outside. As for the insides, IDK. The way he threw Zack under the bus when Zack gave him his big break...just...wow.

@JenMitch94 said:

I personally hope that when Zack is ready he signs on with Netflix or Amazon and continues to make movies. I understand the studio stays out the directors way on these platforms.

Didn't the studio stay out of Zach's way to make a mess out of MOS and BvS? He even had a hand in muddling up JL.

As for Henry, he's still pretty on the outside. As for the insides, IDK. The way he threw Zack under the bus when Zack gave him his big break...just...wow.

Now, that is wrong. Maybe, he felt bad that Zach stepped over him to allow the character of Batman to take center stage, which still doesn't make it right.

Zack worked with Christopher Nolan on Man of Steel. The studio is responsible for the theatrical cut off BvS. You see a mess. I LOVED Man of Steel and the Director's Cut of BvS. They weren't perfect, but they were memorable and evoked emotion.

Have you seen Justice League? Bland, boring, and un-memorable just like Marvel. Joss Whedon was responsible for Avengers 2. Same problems. It had one good scene, where everyone tried to lift Thor's Hammer.

It's my opinion on Henry. It's just a different level of ungrateful. I missed the section where Oscar nominated, and should have won, Amy Adams slammed Zack...

@JenMitch94 said:

Zack worked with Christopher Nolan on Man of Steel. The studio is responsible for the theatrical cut off BvS. You see a mess. I LOVED Man of Steel and the Director's Cut of BvS. They weren't perfect, but they were memorable and evoked emotion.

Actually, as have been pointed out to me in the old Box Office IMDB board and in particular, by one person who worked in WB who participated in that board, WB gives a lot of creative power to their directors, more so than in Marvel where directors not only answers to Kevin Feige but to some creative board which included some of the writers and senior staff who worked in Marvel comics. Joss Whedon verified this in one amusing article he wrote where he was showing to whom he was sending his notes for the movie. I’ve read that the creative board has since been dismantled because it was alleged to be too controlling (whether this is true or more of a budget saving exercise I’m not certain — Disney had been laying off a lot of the staff of all the companies they’ve acquired, eg Lucasfilm which lost a lot of the staff).

Christopher Nolan wielded a lot of power in WB after the success of his Batman trilogy. He chose the Snyders, despite the fact that Snyder’s Watchmen and Sucker Punch (movies I happen to like, by the way) were extremely divisive among movie watchers and comic book fans. Sucker Punch was a major flop. I suspect Nolan and the studio wanted to continue that dark atmosphere he created for the Batman trilogy. Unfortunately, that kind of atmosphere worked well for Batman, but that didn’t work too well for MOS. Sure MOS did well in the box office, and eventually made a profit once you factor in all the ancillary and merchandise earnings it got, but its performance on the box office still was below what WB expected.

Despite MOS’s underperformance, WB still gave the reins to the Snyders to do BvS and also contribute to Wonder Woman. Now I enjoyed BvS, and even wanted a longer cut than the extended version. I don’t mind its darkness because I did love the influence of Frank Miller’s classic graphic novel, The Dark Knight Returns and even the Injustice: Gods Among Us elements on that movie. But again many people didn’t like BvS, not just the critics but the average movie-goer. I recall BvS came out the same year as Deadpool, and more people (including people who wouldn’t watch a comic book movie) watched and loved Deadpool. The only reason it didn’t do better than BvS was because it wasn’t allowed to go into China. Heck, even the live animation version of the Jungle Book beat BvS.

I also read in some articles that Geoff Johns from DC/WB had some concerns with the direction ZS was taking BvS, but he was overruled.

Then suddenly, we have Jenkins’ Wonder Woman, and that was a HUGE success (I’m kind of surprised because I like BvS more than Wonder Woman — yeah, my taste is off). Are you telling me WB meddled a lot with Jenkins to make that movie? I don’t think so. In fact, as some people have observed, perhaps it’s the fact the Snyders were only exec producers, and ZS only contributed to the script as opposed to directing it may have contributed to the success of WW.

Have you seen Justice League? Bland, boring, and un-memorable just like Marvel. Joss Whedon was responsible for Avengers 2. Same problems. It had one good scene, where everyone tried to lift Thor's Hammer.

Seriously, Jen? Joss Whedon also made The Avengers and had uncredited contributions to some of the Marvel movies that led up to the Avengers. Avengers conquered the box office when that movie was released and I think a lot more people have better memories of that movie than BvS. Marvel, being unmemorable, bland and boring? If that is true, why are its movies making more money and doing better scores amongst critics? Why did Guardians of the Galaxy (a movie of superheroes who were hardly known and do not have the same recognition as Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman) performed better than MOS? Marvel, to me also includes those produced by Sony and Fox, ie the X-men movies, Deadpool, Logan. Logan, by itself, was even more depressing than BvS, and yet it did well enough (for an R-rated movie) and was praised by critics. Please don’t get me started about Thor: Ragnarok. Out of all the Marvel characters, Thor is actually my least favourite (I like his bro, Loki more). But Ragnarok really blew me away, and again I’ve seen ‘Deadpool’ effect. I know some people who wouldn’t watch a comic book movie, going out to see it.

(However, if you are going to cite some bad Marvel movies go for the last Fantastic 4, and even some of the Iron Man movies or even the Spider Man with Andrew Garfield, then I’ll agree with you.)

I love the DC movies (except maybe for the Green Lantern and MOS — only HC made that movie worth seeing) and Snyders other comic book movies, but I’m not blind enough to see that ZS is a divisive filmmaker and he has to take some responsibility for why his take on Batman and Superman (which should have been sure-fire hits) didn’t do ‘so well’. (I’m putting the quotes, because I think BvS box-office wise still did ok.) I don’t see why you should pile on the hate on Whedon or Marvel when they have nothing to do with the problems WB/DC experienced with the Snyders’ take on their comic book characters, and ignore the evidence that the Marvel movies are resonating well with more movie-goers, despite having their own duds.

In some ways, I wish ZS didn’t quit on JL. It would be interesting to see where he would have taken that movie with his full vision. If it didn’t resonate again or did well, then he wouldn’t have the excuse that Whedon or someone else brought in by the studio ruined his film.

I missed the section where Oscar nominated, and should have won, Amy Adams slammed Zack...

Sorry, I lost your train of thought here...

Have you seen the movie?

@JenMitch94 said:

Have you seen the movie?

Yes, Jen. I have seen the movie, and have seen it before its general release in the US. I’ve been active in the Justice League board and other threads here saying I enjoyed it but acknowledge its flaws. I don’t think it deserves the low Rotten Tomatoes rating. I hate the low score, but hey, I don’t think BvS and Suicide Squad deserved low ratings either. I loved those movies. I’m one of the few people who thinks Jenkins’ Wonder Woman is not that great actually, and wished WW was not in BvS so that Superman and Batman could have built their relationship better. I was seriously worried that JL would become the WW show, but thankfully it didn’t.

I could feel your pain Jen, and really hated the all the negative stuff said about BvS and Suicide Squad. But what can I do? I too saw some of the problems ZS created for MOS and BvS, so I can see where the negativity was coming from. It’s almost as if he wanted to turn them into the Watchmen, and that simply did not work. Miller’s take on Batman and even the Injustice Gods Among us graphic novels are too niche. I love those graphic novels, and even have read a few of the darker DC Batman graphic novels. I liked them. But I can see why the general audience wouldn’t appreciate their influence in the movies.

And here’s why I like JL:

  • (1) the humour — yes, it’s needed. Even the darker DC graphic novels had them and even the straight to video DC animated movies and TV series (which I think personally comes with better storylines that the writers of the live movies).
  • (2) all the characters were given a chance to shine and had great interaction — hard to do for a movie running only 2 hours without the advantage of Avengers which had several movies leading up to it to give each character their own solo movie
  • (3) it’s more hopeful — just seeing Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne on the way to becoming friends means a lot to me because their friendship is one of the best things in the DC comic book universe. It’s such a pain that people had to see them first as enemies (BvS) , rather than seeing them as good friends that had a falling out
  • (4) Joss Whedon — regardless of what you feel about him he is popular among sci-fi/comic book fans, and had a long career fixing and contributing to various movie scripts credited or uncredited. I am excited to see what he can bring into the DC universe which he wanted to be part of BEFORE he went to Disney to do the Avengers. But even I can acknowledge he has his own baggage like Ben Affleck and not everyone appreciates his humour, so those maybe are cons against his involvement.
  • (5) A more racially mixed group of actors which I also appreciated in Suide Squad. Not even the Avengers (the first movie) can boast that.
  • (6) the music — I know you hated it, but I like Danny Elfman acknowledging all the past and present contributors to the music of the DC movies. Whenever I hear John Williiams’ Superman theme, that’s the Superman music for me. I cannot understand why Snyder didn’t use that for his movie, even for a smidgen. James Bond had gone through several reboots and actors and yet they kept that famous James Bond theme in with the soundtrack of all the movies because it is such a part of the James Bond brand. I also like Elfman’s theme for Batman because it was used for the multi-awarded DC animated Batman series of the 90s. It meant a lot to me to hear his theme with John Williams’ and also the newer ones of Zimmerman. It’s acknowledgment that other artists contributed to DC movies and emotes nostalgia.
  • (7) that Amazon scene and the mythological war scene — even in Wonder Woman, the Amazon always stole the show for me.

What I don’t like (SPOILER AHEAD):

  • (1) HC’s CGI-ed face. My goodness, it looked like a badly done game graphic.
  • (2) So the world is ‘depressed’, terrorism, crime, etc all went up because Superman died? For REAL? It had nothing to do with the actions of corrupt politicians, social inequality, poverty, environmental degradation which Superman cannot solve even if he was around or alive? (Unless, he decides to act like the Superman in Injustice Gods Among Us, which I’m sure would make him even more endearing — NOT!)
  • (3) An overpowered Superman — seriously? The combination of all the other heroes’ efforts can’t beat him? Yet in the comic books I’ve seen Wonder Woman almost his equal and even Aquaman. I would have expected Batman to be more prepared, and not just be reliant on Lois being his ‘big weapon’.
  • (4) Absence of Green Lantern as he was a founding member of the league and more known among those who watched the Superfriends. Also wished Hawkgirl was around. She was a great contrast next to Wonder Woman in the DC animated series (and had great lines). It doesn’t hurt to have more than one female member in the league either.
  • (5) A not-so-great villain which is the same problem for Wonder Woman. Even Ultron had more character development than Steppenwolf.
  • (6) Not too much Aquaman and not much view of Atlantis which I think deserved as much screen time as the Amazons’ island. (Oh well, maybe I’ll see more in Aquaman next year.)

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and found it a lot of fun, my only complaint and biggest complaint is Henry's CGI face.

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