Diskutera The Leftovers

Season 1 was the best season all the following seasons are just too weird and all over the place! Do you agree?

The first season really compelled me. It really made me feel like they are living in THE END OF TIMES or an apocalypse, but from season 2 on it just goes all over the place. Its like the writers just want to just keep adding the more weirder the better story lines that don't really go anywhere. I really liked Kevin's daughter and her friend trying to be teens during these weird end times in season 1, it actually seemed realistic.

But season 2 on seems like a total different show. Where you don't seem to care as much since it seems so extremely weird. I mean whats the purpose of having cast members from Perfect Strangers through out the show pop in. Is the writer or producer a big fan of the show Perfect Strangers? Did I totally miss the point of all that?

All in all, still enjoy the show, but I'd wish it was a bit more realistic like the first season. Now that Kevin can't be killed its like well why even care whenever he's in a tight spot, he can't be killed right?

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@ScorpionQ2 said:

@MrCharmingMan said:

I honestly don't remember Nestor sorry I think I forgot most of the show. I did feel the actor who played Sayid was by far the best actor in the show, but of course him being of Indian descent would unfortunately limit his roles after LOST. (which is messed up since he totally rocked!)

sorry I think I forgot most of the show

Like I said, I purposely forgot.

Nestor was the guy who never aged on Lost . He recently played the sheriff on * Bates Motel* .

Agreed, the Sayid guy had a short lived role on Once Upon a Time, I haven't seen him in anything else.

remember that god awful song that Drive Shaft had as a one hit wonder? : "You All Everybody" LMAO

Wow thats a lot going on that went right over our heads. Thanks!

@Invidia said:

@MrCharmingMan said:

Come on though really? Being naked allows him to stretch more to do the 2 man key turn? Not buying it lol and what exactly was the point of all that who was that and what does that have to do with the story line or there other characters? Again the cave woman giving birth in season 2 opener literally had nothing to do with the show whats so ever right? LOL

What he's doing is also a YOGA POSE that one usually does NAKED (because in this climate it's also usually too HOT to wear any clothing inside of one's home). So one can also assure you that being NAKED also helps you to STRETCH much BETTER than if your body was CONSTRICTED by clothing. Note the way his TOE can also barely reach that other KEY he turns with it. So every little fraction of an inch would count. Ever hear about how OLYMPIC SWIMMERS also SHAVE the HAIR on their bodies as a way to give them more advantage? If the hair on your body can slow you down, then so can clothing interfere with your athletic ability as well. And champion Swimmers also wear specially designed swim wear as well.

The POINT is this YOGA POSE guy thinks there's AN EGG in the OCEAN that needs to be DESTROYED to save the WORLD.

This is revealed to us in the TRANSLATION of what we hear him saying in the OPENING CREDITS.

The CAVE WOMAN also DIES when she's BITTEN by the SNAKE after EATING the BIRD'S EGG.

Not sure what the CONNECTION is, but we also keep SEEING a BIRD in the SKY that keeps calling out, and the CAVE WOMAN was also wearing a BIRD FEATHER NECKLACE of some kind.

And NORA/SARA also brings BIRDS to the NUN in that other scene.

And in HOTEL LAND a BIRD also kept flying around in the LOBBY before John's father SMASHED it TO DEATH with THE BOOK he was holding in his HAND.

SO maybe that's how the show ENDS?

With still another BIRD being SMASHED to DEATH with a BOOK?

TONY the CHICKEN (who picks out the 81 NIAGRA TAPE for KEV SR. to play) was also BORN from THE EGG that was the only thing still left after ALL of the people and ALL of the ANIMALS in a TOWN DOWN UNDER DISAPPEARED on DEPARTURE DAY.

And that is also the OPPOSITE of what happens in JARDIN TX where NO ONE DISAPPEARS.

AND TONY the CHICKEN is also what KEV SR. sees on the TV SET when KEVIN sees his father on the TV SET when he's in HOTEL LAND.

Did we really have to see his penis swinging like that for a good 5 minutes? LOL

It's always refreshing to see a SWINGING PENIS for a change instead of the NAKED BREAST that we usually end up getting STUCK into our face in HBO SHOWS.


After that the NAKED BREAST took over and the NAKED PENIS took a BACK SEAT to our seeing them.

Interesting on Kevin being immortal only in Jardin. So Matt thinks Jardin is some magical place for Kevin at least right? I Did like the episode where Matt goes to the casino to win the money to save his church that was a good one and lets not forget he murdered or brutally beat the sh*t out of that guy who tried to rob him in the parking lot.

Yes but that BASTARD in the PARKING LOT also SMASHED the WINDOW of MATT'S CAR and tried to STEAL ALL the MONEY he won after MATT had also handed the guy a couple of hundred for GAS MONEY.


I'm starting to wonder if the producers of the show just wanted to vacation in Australia for a long extended time so they decided to move the show there because so far it doesn't really seem necessary to the story line so far LOL.

We'll most likely end up paying a VISIT to the TOWN where TONY the CHICKEN was born. And GRACE meeting KEV SR is also a NICE LOVE STORY. At least he won't be ALONE after he KILLS his SON. And he may also be able to STOP the APOCALYPSE after he finds out JOHN knows the WORDS to the other song that KEV SR didn't get to learn because he killed the other guy who knew them when he falls off the roof on top of him.

The SONG LYRICS will probably also be I LOVE the RAINY NIGHTS (which we also heard playing when it started to rain after the other ALCOHOLIC guy sets himself on FIRE).

Again I can't stand John even this more calm, laid back version wearing his glasses. Are we just supposed to forget he literally terrorized his old neighborhood beating neighbors up and burning houses down and he literally shot and killed Kevin? I forgot why did John leave his wife for Kevin's ex wife exactly? Did they even explain that or did John's wife just go missing?

JOHN'S wife told NORA she'd been taking MONEY from the JOINT BANK ACCOUNT for several MONTHS as part of her plan to LEAVE JOHN. So it's no surprise that she left him. And NORA also went to VISIT her after LILY didn't know who she was. Remember how they BOTH ended up having FUN by JUMPING on the TRAMPOLINE?

LAURIE is definitely a BALL BUSTING type. Remember how KEVIN had to HIDE his CIGARETTES from her? How she treated him more like a CHILD than her husband? How KEVIN was also READY to LEAVE HER on DEPARTURE DAY?

Then he meets NORA who LITERALLY CHAINS him up to the BED as a way to CONTROL him???

That was even WORSE than the way LAURIE treated him.

But JOHN was also WAY OUT of CONTROL and in NEED of someone to CONTROL HIM.

But He could also reach the point where he gets just as TIRED of being CONTROLLED as KEVIN did.


I think the orgy cruise would have been better if they had some more attractive people in it?

More attractive people would probably not be interested in being members of a FERTILITY CULT. They'd most likely be too busy GETTING LAID to belong to one where the story is about how FEMALES were TOO PICKY about the MALE they wanted to let them have sex with them. Remember how the FEMALE LIONS REJECTED the other MALE LIONS until FRAISER comes along with his SPECIAL CHARMS?

Anyways I enjoy your responses and attention to the fine detail that I am not so focused on. I appreciate it. I can't wait to see how it all ends!


Whatever will we do without this SHOW to ENTERTAIN US anymore????

Wow a lot of insight and knowledge there thanks for that.

Yes I'm all over equal opportunity nudity for both genders getting their goodies camera time, I just feel sometimes we see unnecessary nudity in this show. I mean even when Liv Tyler rapes Kevin's son i felt very disturbed seeing her vagina. It was not needed. We the audience could clearly see Kevin's son was getting raped without having to see Liv Tyler's vagina LOL. (and I used to think Liv Tyler was so smoking hot during the Aerosmith video days)

We'll be checking in each Sunday night 3 more to go my friend! Cheers sunglasses

@Invidia said:

Wow a lot of insight and knowledge there thanks for that.

You're welcome!

Yes I'm all over equal opportunity nudity for both genders getting their goodies camera time, I just feel sometimes we see unnecessary nudity in this show. I mean even when Liv Tyler rapes Kevin's son i felt very disturbed seeing her vagina.

To see her VAGINA she'd need to be laying on the table of a GYN and have this device the doctor uses holding it open.

What you saw was a VERY QUICK CLIP of some of her PUBIC HAIR when she pulls up her dress and takes off her underpants.

It was not needed. We the audience could clearly see Kevin's son was getting raped without having to see Liv Tyler's vagina LOL.

Again, we didn't see her VAGINA.

(and I used to think Liv Tyler was so smoking hot during the Aerosmith video days) We'll be checking in each Sunday night 3 more to go my friend! Cheers

One of the posters here also has a LINK in their PROFILE.


And in the LINK that takes you to a collection of her PHOTOS you can also see several PHOTOS that she took of LIV.

Not sure WHEN they were taken, but it looks like they were probably taken at the start of her career?

There's also other photos of other MOVIE STARS in her collection as well.

She also uses a really cool PHOTO of a clip from FORBIDDEN PLANET in her AVATAR where the STAR of that film is seen wearing an EAR RING that has a PARAKEET sitting on it.

Here's a link where you can see the photo:


But it also looks like she's removed the link to her other PHOTOS.

With the recent TROLL INVASIONS in the CHAT section who can blame her?

You are starting to be overly anal now lol. You know what I meant by vagina, I did not want to type her "bush" or "pubic hair" of course I know what a vagina is lol. Anyways my point was I wasn't just being a typical guy when complaining about the unnecessary penis time on camera, for I also felt the scene of Liv Tyler's pubic hair was also very disturbing and unnecessary as well to the show. We clearly see he's being raped, which is disturbing as well.

By the way what happened to Liv Tylers character again? Did they all die when the GR headquarters burn down? I actually felt the GR was a cool part of the show and quite original and they just killed them off like that?

I also like the Holy Wayne character as well, another very original, compelling figure in the show. He had this huge fortress built to protect him and his Asian girls and he can hug the pain away from you. But then he just gets killed off quickly like that?

No I did not click the LIKE button LOL. Again I thought it was less offensive to type: "Vagina" over Liv's bush or pubic hair. I agree some do not know much about vaginas, such as virgins lol. I do know some guys pushing 40 who are still virgins but thats a whole other topic.

As for your question can a man get raped. I know you are smarter than that. In my old apartment building one of our neighbors was raped by a woman. I don't know the details but the other neighbors were getting involved and sticking up for him. Your logic that if a man's penis gets hard then it can't be rape is flawed on so many levels.

Thats like a man saying a woman can't claim rape if her vagina gets wet. Do you see how offensively wrong that statement would be? Also if you say no then talk about a double standard there.

Anyways lets not get too way off course.

I do think they should have expanded more on GR, and Wayne. They could have stretched both into the final season. Wayne again had that huge fortress and all those bodyguards working for him. So we the audience are like who is this guy and how did he become so powerful? Then BAM he dies and in a very weak way with his guts about to ooze out of his stomach? Then we see his daughter get passed around for no reason and she ends up getting written out of the show? Why even have them adopt her temporarily if they were just gonna delete her from the show right after?

I actually liked the episode where Kevin was an assassin and was doing the whole Godfather scene to assassinate Patti. They probably could have extended that whole story arc much longer as well. Like I wouldn't mind Kevin being an assassin for like 3 or 4 episodes total.

I really can't stand John hopefully he gets killed off next! LOL

@MrCharmingMan said:

remember that god awful song that Drive Shaft had as a one hit wonder? : "You All Everybody" LMAO

No, was it on Lost?

@Invidia said:

Scorp: Are you the one who CLICKED the LIKE BUTTON??? If not, that means we've got company that we don't know about who liked what was being said???

No, it wasn't me (although I have done so previous times/posts)

Invidia - you have fans! smiley

It means they like and /or agree with what was said smiley

Don't know about score keeping.

@Invidia said:


Are you the one who CLICKED the LIKE BUTTON???

If not, that means we've got company that we don't know about who liked what was being said???

If it wasn't you, then please feel free to speak up whoever you are.

We promise not to BITE your head off or let a LION loose so that it can attack you.


I liked this one for you grinning

Sorry I have a huge project due this week. I'll promise to write more in depth longer responses after my project is complete. Have a great week.

@ScorpionQ2 said:

@MrCharmingMan said:

remember that god awful song that Drive Shaft had as a one hit wonder? : "You All Everybody" LMAO

No, was it on Lost?

Yeah remember Drive Shaft the fictional band that Charlie was from? LOL

@MrCharmingMan said:

Yeah remember Drive Shaft the fictional band that Charlie was from? LOL

Nope, and I don't remember Charlie either. smile

@Invidia said:


I liked this one for you
Sorry I have a huge project due this week. I'll promise to write more in depth longer responses after my project is complete. Have a great week

Thank you for the LIKE. grinning

Hope your project goes well for you and that you also have a great week as well.

What kind of a project is it?

And what will we do when the show ends in less than 3 weeks from now?

Project was for business, I don't like to delegate things so I pretty much do EVERYTHING from TOP to BOTTOM and yes I mean EVERYTHING LOL.

Thanks for your wishes the project turned out fantastic!

Now Kudos to you for nailing the purpose of the naked sailer in the submarine lol. Does Revelations really state that a 7 headed monster will come and kill everyone? I don't know maybe thats something I can Google for myself? .......... Just Googled it and wow it would have been cooler to see that 7 headed monster than the sailer naked lol just my opinion.

So honestly I was not too found of last nights episode, perhaps its because I'm not fond of Laurie. I feel she just was a horrible person for most of the show and I just don't like her. So I'm on social media reading what everyones saying like oh wow tonight's episode was so sad or such a moment of clarity and blah blah I didn't really care for it as much as others did and again I think its because I don't really like Laurie's character lol.

So Laurie dives into the ocean at the end. What does it mean exactly is it metaphorical or literal? So she just drowned herself? Or is it symbolic of something more?

To be honest I dislike most of the Characters on the show now that I think about it lol. I like Kevin, he seems to me over all a decent person despite his flaws and everything he's been going through. I feel sorry/like his children as well, both seem like good kids again despite all the insanity around them. Matt is also for the most part likable in a weird way since he is a bit sketchy.

We already discussed that I think we both hate John lol. I couldn't' stand John's daughter either and didn't care when she ran away or whatever ended up happening to her. John's wife was alright. John's son is a good kid and not at all a thug, hypocrite like his dad.

Also I don't like Nora. Even though she's a solid actress who plays her. I don't find Nora to be likable. This will probably end not well for me since I see the final episode is titled Nora.

So with all that being said I really only like Kevin, oh yeah Kevin's dad is ok too I guess, his kids and Matt's ok and John's son's ok. So I guess I don't really care what happens to everyone else if they die or burn to a crisp. That why I wasn't so moved by Laurie and her episode last night?

@ScorpionQ2 said:

@MrCharmingMan said:

Yeah remember Drive Shaft the fictional band that Charlie was from? LOL

Nope, and I don't remember Charlie either. smile

Charlie was played by Dominic Monaghan I guess he's best known for playing Merry in The Lord of The Rings movies. (I didn't care for TLOTR)

So Charlie's backstory was he was a rockstar from a one hit wonder band called Drive Shaft. Word is in real life Evangeline Lilly who played Kate on Lost was dating Dominic and as the show became even more huge Evangeline became one of the major stars of the show and Dominic not so much so they broke up in real life and Dominic supposedly got too emotional, sad, uncomfortable working with her on set so they wrote his character off the show. Thats why Charlie doesn't make it to the end of the show with the rest of the guys.

You didn't miss much though. Their song: You All Everybody was played throughout the show and it was a real horrendous song!

They should have just ended the show with this latest episode, I don't see how they can possible come up with a better ending then what we just saw.

I don't find Nora all that interesting especially after this one.

@Invidia said:

also OVERLOOK the way KEVIN was right to TELL her off and WALK OUT on her.

She'd have just DISAPPEARED without his knowing WHY.

And that's also NOT the way someone behaves when you have someone else that you care about.

NORA deserves to end up ALONE after the way she's treated KEVIN.

Then after she no longer had one anymore she acts like a SPOILED SELF RIGHTEOUS BRAT who thinks they deserve to have more sympathy than others because she lost more family members.

And if anyone wants to argue and say she's CHANGED, Don't forget about how she was also acting just as SELFISH again with LAURIE when she refused to give her back her lighter.

I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said about Nora.

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