Discuss The Leftovers

Season 1 was the best season all the following seasons are just too weird and all over the place! Do you agree?

The first season really compelled me. It really made me feel like they are living in THE END OF TIMES or an apocalypse, but from season 2 on it just goes all over the place. Its like the writers just want to just keep adding the more weirder the better story lines that don't really go anywhere. I really liked Kevin's daughter and her friend trying to be teens during these weird end times in season 1, it actually seemed realistic.

But season 2 on seems like a total different show. Where you don't seem to care as much since it seems so extremely weird. I mean whats the purpose of having cast members from Perfect Strangers through out the show pop in. Is the writer or producer a big fan of the show Perfect Strangers? Did I totally miss the point of all that?

All in all, still enjoy the show, but I'd wish it was a bit more realistic like the first season. Now that Kevin can't be killed its like well why even care whenever he's in a tight spot, he can't be killed right?

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@Invidia said:

Kudos to you for nailing the purpose of the naked sailer in the submarine lol. Does Revelations really state that a 7 headed monster will come and kill everyone?

Someone at REDDIT posted a TRANSLATION of what the OPENING CREDITS were saying (in French). That's how I knew about the EGG HATCHING being the reason why the sailor blew up the SUB.

And MATT said the BOOK of REVELATIONS wasn't meant to be LITERAL and was METAPHORICAL.

And according to reviews of EP. 7 of the show, they say what we saw was KEVIN realize he screwed up by breaking up with and letting go of NORA.

So they're expecting some kind of a ROMANTIC ENDING where KEVIN finally let's go of his commitment phobia and decides to have a permanent relationship with her.

But she's the one who BAILED on him after he told her about seeing Patti.

And she's also the one who SHOVED him into a more permanent relationship when he wasn't ready for it by buying the HOUSE when the agreement was to live together in the other apartment that burned down.

So he GIVES IN, gives her what she wants, and then she ABANDONS him as soon as he's honest with her.

Yet he also didn't FREAK OUT after she tells him how she use to have people SHOOT her?

Since NORA's the one who RAN AWAY from him after he told her about Patti, and then again after she finds out about the MACHINE, imo, she's as much at fault as he is (if not even more so).

Because if the MACHINE is a HOAX and it does INCINERATE people the way NORA assumed it does, she was also willing to let that happen to her. And she also planned on having it happen without ever telling KEVIN what she was planning to do once she got DOWN UNDER.

So people who think this is some kind of REVELATION on KEVIN'S part that he screwed up by breaking up with her, and that's leading to a HAPPY ENDING or to some kind of a REUNION with her, also OVERLOOK the way KEVIN was right to TELL her off and WALK OUT on her.

Because she was also planning to ABANDON him again without telling him about it the same way as she did before. And this time she probably also wouldn't have left him a NOTE either.

She'd have just DISAPPEARED without his knowing WHY.

The others that she works for might have told him what happened to her, but NORA herself wouldn't have left a NOTE because she also knew KEVIN would probably try to STOP her after he read it.

So when he asks if he can go with her she says yes, but she also refused to let him go with her or be there when she's interviewed.

And if they'd let her use the MACHINE at that time, that would most likely also be the LAST TIME KEVIN would have seen her when she left him at the HOTEL.

And that's also NOT the way someone behaves when you have someone else that you care about.

MARY and LILY came first last time. Nora made them her TOP PRIORITY.

And this time KEVIN comes LAST again when NORA chose to be with her other 2 kids again instead of continue to be with him.

So if we end with some kind of a SILLY and SAPPY ending like we did last season, A BIG BA HUM BUG to that.

NORA deserves to end up ALONE after the way she's treated KEVIN.

And she also told the MAYOR of MAPLETON to consider that she had NO FAMILY, because THE JOB that she wanted also meant more to her than her family did at that time.

Then after she no longer had one anymore she acts like a SPOILED SELF RIGHTEOUS BRAT who thinks they deserve to have more sympathy than others because she lost more family members.

We saw that at the conference where she's pissed at not having access to the badge that let everyone know her CELEBRITY STATUS, and then again when she meets the other man in the bar who wrote the "WHAT'S NEXT" book and she proceeds to tell him off saying the loss of his parents didn't count because they were OLD anyhow.

In other words, she's insisting her STATUS is HIGHER than his, because her loss is worse since her family members weren't as old as his were.

And JILL also saw her DELIBERATELY SHOVE the COFFEE CUP off the table and break it just because she KNEW she'd get away with it due to the SYMPATHY she got from others who knew about her loss.

Yet we're suppose to forget about all of this and assume she and KEVIN ride off into the SUNSET and live together HAPPILY EVER AFTER???

And if anyone wants to argue and say she's CHANGED, Don't forget about how she was also acting just as SELFISH again with LAURIE when she refused to give her back her lighter.

So if the REVIEWERS are right, then I'm also not BUYING into an ending like that.

WHOA lot of stuff there as usual in your responses. Where did you go for a while everything ok?

Like I said before I pretty much dislike Nora and Laurie. I didn't give a crap when Laurie committed suicide because I hated her for leaving her family for the whole entire first season like that and then getting with our other least favorite guy John as if everything is now alright.

I also don't care for Nora much at all. I was reading what everyone was saying on Twitter the last few weeks and everyones pretty much saying the actress who plays Nora, Carrie Coon, is the best actress ever. Everyone was praising her saying she needs to win all of the awards and blah blah blah. I don't know?

So yes basically we are in agreement here if the final episode ends with Kevin and Nora riding off into the sunset in a romantic cheesy happy ending then I'm be really disappointed in the writers for taking that route and for pretty much not being able to come up with a better ending.

I feel last week's episode was a great way to end the show, so why even end it with tonight's instead?

@ScorpionQ2 said:

@Invidia said:

also OVERLOOK the way KEVIN was right to TELL her off and WALK OUT on her.

She'd have just DISAPPEARED without his knowing WHY.

And that's also NOT the way someone behaves when you have someone else that you care about.

NORA deserves to end up ALONE after the way she's treated KEVIN.

Then after she no longer had one anymore she acts like a SPOILED SELF RIGHTEOUS BRAT who thinks they deserve to have more sympathy than others because she lost more family members.

And if anyone wants to argue and say she's CHANGED, Don't forget about how she was also acting just as SELFISH again with LAURIE when she refused to give her back her lighter.

I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said about Nora.


@Invidia said:

@MrCharmingMan said:

WHOA lot of stuff there as usual in your responses. Where did you go for a while everything ok?

Been over at the TWIN PEAKS 2017 board.

The SHOW is back again, and it's KICKIN BUTT BIGTIME.

You can also watch PARTS 1 and 2 at you tube but if you've never seen it before (back when it was on the air 26 YEARS ago) or seen the other film about it called TWIN PEAKS FIRE WALK with me, then you may also have trouble understanding it:

PART 2 here:


In part 1 we learn about how some BILLIONAIRE hires a young guy to sit and watch this BIG SEE THROUGH GLASS BOX that has lots of cameras set up around it to MONITOR it ...

and a girl who delivers coffee comes by when the SECURITY GUARD is missing and joins him in the ROOM where she then proceeds to have sex with him ...

when some kind of a creature shows up inside of the BOX, BREAKS it, attacks them, and apparently BITES off and EATS their HEADS (because the heads are also missing when we see what's left of their bodies).

In PART 2 an FBI AGENT (AGENT COOPER who's been missing for 25 YEARS) also shows up on top of the OUTSIDE part of the BOX, MELTS DOWN into it, and then FLOATS through the HOLE that leads from the OUTSIDE to the INSIDE of it.

And as he does so he also SPREADS OUT his ARMS as if they're the WINGS of a BIRD as he FLOATS inside of it in MID AIR.

What's interesting is how the BOX also looks like it might be a BIRD HOUSE for a GIANT SIZED BIRD.

Anyhow, go to the 41MIN TIME MARK and then you can see how AGENT COOPER who's been TRAPPED INSIDE of what's called THE BLACK LODGE (a place sort of like HOTEL LAND where KEVIN WENT) gets from inside of the LODGE into the SEE THROUGH BOX.

Basically The FLOOR opens up, he drops through it into some water, then ends up FLOATING in SPACE before his FACE hits the TOP of the OUTSIDE part of the BOX and he MELTS down into it.

The writers for this show have been doing a FINE IMITATION of LYNCH, but he's also PROVEN that he's still the MASTER of it when it comes to telling an AVANT GARDE or SURREALISTIC story.

So that's where I've been.

Watching and discussing this NEWER VERSION of his show.


And if you search for TWIN PEAKS 2017 you also won't be able to FIND IT, because a MODERATOR named MARR also SHUT down that forum after I opened it.

Last week we also had a discussion about OPENING it back up again, but the last thing TRAVIS said was the MODERATORS had VOTED and were EVENLY SPLIT about the matter.

So all you'll find is a forum for the 1990 VERSION of the SHOW (even though the CREATOR of the SHOW said NOT to call it SEASON 3, and also stated that the 2017 VERSION is NOT a CONTINUATION of the OLDER VERSION of the SHOW).

So the only place one can discuss the NEW VERSION of it is at the forum for the OLDER SHOW (which has also lead to much confusion due to the way IMDB also had a SEPARATE forum for discussing the NEW SHOW).

So former posters from IMDB who come here have also LEFT after not being able to LOCATE a place to discuss the NEW SHOW.

Anyhow, you can also find a discussion about that matter down below the GENERAL SECTION in the COMMENT section where TRAVIS tells me not to say MARR is stubborn, but then says NOTHING to her after she expressed a wish that I were DEAD (the very last message that was posted back to the topic).

She also claims it's "somewhat" a JOKE, but how funny is it to JOKE about wishing that someone were dead???

Reply by Marr 🇳🇱 MOD on May, 28 2017 at 4:10AM

I'mma suggest for the future forum rules: "excessive bold/italics/capitalization is punishable by death ban."

(This is a somewhat sarcastic joke, in case you didn't notice. Although it does truly express my feelings~)

Anyhow, it's still a shame that the 2017 FORUM was SHUT DOWN and all we have now is a SMALL TRICKEL of people to discuss the show with over at the FORUM for the OLDER VERSION of the SHOW.

And if you like the show, then that's also the only option that you have for joining us here at this place in a discussion about it.

Like I said before I pretty much dislike Nora and Laurie. I didn't give a crap when Laurie committed suicide because I hated her for leaving her family for the whole entire first season like that and then getting with our other least favorite guy John as if everything is now alright.

Poor LAURIE was a CAREGIVER who's job it was to TREAT people who LOST LOVED ONES (like that woman who's baby disappeared when this show first began).

As a result of that she LOST her MIND herself from treating them and dealing with their problems.

And due to the way that MOTHER behaved, how surprised should we be if her already grown up SON shows up looking for her at some point, and she discovers some one else STOLE him (due to the way she only IGORNES him while she's doing LAUNDRY and then IGNORES again in the CAR so that she could YACK away on her cell phone)?

Anyhow, she also LIES to LAURIE telling her a SOB STORY, and like NORA she also pretends to have been a VICTIM (when what we saw was her VICTIMIZE her CRYING SON by not paying ATTENTION to him).

So LAURIE may also have LOST her MIND due to people telling her SOB stories that were also a pack of LIES (like the wife of TOWER GUY also told people LIES about what happened to her hubby so she could also have CELEBRITY STATUS like NORA had).

Therefore one can also feel some SYMPATHY for LAURIE, due to the way she tried to HELP others only to end up being LIKE THEM instead of being able to CURE them.

But then LAURIE was also busy chatting away on her CELL PHONE in MEET the GARVEYS (instead of finding time to attend Jill's Science Fair or pay enough attention to KEVIN who was ready to WALK OUT on her when she was also PREGNANT again).

I also don't care for Nora much at all. I was reading what everyone was saying on Twitter the last few weeks and everyone is pretty much saying the actress who plays Nora, Carrie Coon, is the best actress ever. Everyone was praising her saying she needs to win all of the awards and blah blah blah. I don't know?

Carrie is an EXCELLENT ACTRESS. There's no doubt about that. She NAILS the part. It's just the CHARACTER she's played hasn't been as SAINTLY as some would like to portray her as being.

But maybe spending time in a CONVENT or working for some NUNS will REDEEM her?

So yes basically we are in agreement here if the final episode ends with Kevin and Nora riding off into the sunset in a romantic cheesy happy ending then I'm be really disappointed in the writers for taking that route and for pretty much not being able to come up with a better ending.

After reading a COMMENT at REDDIT I'm feeling much more OPTIMISTIC about tonight's ENDING.

I feel last week's episode was a great way to end the show, so why even end it with tonight's instead?

In the COMMENT someone has suggested that the reason why KEVIN is searching for NORA/ SARA is because of the scene at the START of last week's eppy.

Remember how they discussed what they wanted to happen to them?

Nora said she wanted to be CREMATED.

KEVIN said he wanted to be STUFFED.

So maybe the reason why the NUN asked her if she knows KEVIN is because someone's trying to DELIVER his STUFFED BODY to her???

Don't you think that could also be a GREAT WAY to end the show.

Much better than another SAPPY ENDING like the one that we got at the end of LAST SEASON???

Imagine all of the ROMANCE NOVEL FANS having HUGE MAJOR HISSY FITS about it.


Whoa I just basically skipped 90% of this once I saw you were writing spoilers on Twin Peaks. I want to start that show from the original 26 year old version first and binge my way all the way to the current ones. How about I do that first before we discuss that show lol.

Yeah I have a ton of errands to do today but Im definitely anticipating tonight's finale. It would be awesome that we are all blown away and that all of our questions are answered, but that remains to be seen. I'll chat with you soon.

PS: LMAO at all the Romance Novel Fans!

@MrCharmingMan said:

I want to start that show from the original 26 year old version first and binge my way all the way to the current ones.

thumbsup_tone2 This is exactly what I did.

@Invidia said:

Yet we've also got a NY TIMES REVIEW??? calling for a HAPPY ENDING???

"And they lived happily ever after..."










This SERIES was a Love Story

Well.., looks like they were right.

@Invidia said:

Unfortunately, imo, this story ends the same lame way as WESTWORLD did ...

Not saying they won't end lame, but WESTWORLD has not ended yet, they are returning in 2018.

I said to you in another thread that your mind is too deep and analytical for this show (and probably most- if not all ). I knew it would not be as deep as you thought it would be, the writers are not working with an intelligent mind like yours, so I knew they would not answer or even address half of what they were showing- let alone the things YOU were picking up on. I told you that series finales rarely - if EVER end the way we want them to, so just watch and enjoy without breaking down every single issue.

with an implausible TWIST and the use of a GIMMICK at the end of it to wrap it up ...

which is also a VERY BAD STORY telling device ...

True- and Yet most still do it .

Instead what we end up with is another GOOFY, SAPPY, and EXTREMELY UNREALISTIC ROMANCE NOVEL.
Another pile of RUBBISH for the PULP FICTION PILE that will be disposed of in the end rather than being added to the representative COLLECTION that we now have in our LIBRARY of CONGRESS.

At least that's the way I see it.


Agreed- I always said it would end on a low note,

well at least we still have TWIN PEAKS

and FARGO wink

@Invidia said:

Better the ROMANCE NOVEL FANS have a HISSY FIT that us.



As for TWIN PEAKS ...

What's been said wasn't SPOILERS ...

because on the FIRST NIGHT the NEW SHOW was aired the first 4 EPISODES were RELEASED for VIEWING.

It's like if LO also released the first 4 eppy's of Season One the first night this show aired.

And since we also have NO IDEA what's happening, it's also not really possible to SPOIL anything.

Because we also don't know WHAT'S REAL and what's NOT REAL.

Just like we don't really know if HOTEL LAND was REAL or NOT.

Could it have simply been a DREAM STATE or some kind of a SLEEP STATE of mind that KEVIN was in after he drinks the POISON and is SHOT and then DROWN by his father?

Same situation with COOPER.

We also don't know what the LODGE is or if this is also a REAL PLACE or not.

All we know is there's been things we've seen happening that look more like DREAMS than something that would REALLY happen here in this world.

And HOPEFULLY that also means the SAPPY ROMANCE NOVEL STUFF that hardly ever happens here in this WORLD will also NOT HAPPEN again on the show tonight (like it did to wrap up things for us at the end of last season)?

IMO, A STUFFED KEVIN (with a BEARD) being delivered to NORA/SARA would a much more appropriate way to end and wrap up this so called LOVE story.


again i just skipped like 80% of that because it seems you are giving spoilers away lol. i haven't even started Twin Peaks yet.

So unfortunately it ended the way we wished it had not. It was a love story all a long. Very disappointed. were you?

@ScorpionQ2 said:

@Invidia said:

Unfortunately, imo, this story ends the same lame way as WESTWORLD did ...

Not saying they won't end lame, but WESTWORLD has not ended yet, they are returning in 2018.

I said to you in another thread that your mind is too deep and analytical for this show (and probably most- if not all ). I knew it would not be as deep as you thought it would be, the writers are not working with an intelligent mind like yours, so I knew they would not answer or even address half of what they were showing- let alone the things YOU were picking up on. I told you that series finales rarely - if EVER end the way we want them to, so just watch and enjoy without breaking down every single issue.

with an implausible TWIST and the use of a GIMMICK at the end of it to wrap it up ...

which is also a VERY BAD STORY telling device ...

True- and Yet most still do it .

Instead what we end up with is another GOOFY, SAPPY, and EXTREMELY UNREALISTIC ROMANCE NOVEL.
Another pile of RUBBISH for the PULP FICTION PILE that will be disposed of in the end rather than being added to the representative COLLECTION that we now have in our LIBRARY of CONGRESS.

At least that's the way I see it.


Agreed- I always said it would end on a low note,

well at least we still have TWIN PEAKS

and FARGO wink

I haven't seen Twin peaks, West World or Fargo so I skipped to the end of this to reply. Did you enjoy the finale? I did not. i was actually rather pissed at how they basically left us extremely unsatisfied.

@MrCharmingMan said:

I haven't seen Twin peaks, West World or Fargo so I skipped to the end of this to reply.

I promise I did not spoil anything wink

Did you enjoy the finale? I did not. i was actually rather pissed at how they basically left us extremely unsatisfied.

Not really, although I am glad Kevin was alive and finally happy.I was expecting ALL questions (if any ) NOT to be answered, so I certainly was not let down at all.

Lost (and True Blood ) has taught me not to have great expectations from a TV series- just to enjoy it and once it's over erase it from my memory.

and just like LOST, THE LEFTOVERS took us down MANY TOTALLY UNNECESSARY long winding roads veered left all of a sudden, hit the breaks and dumped us on the side of the curb-honked and sped off into the sunset.

What was the point of all that Book of Kevin/Kevin being the new Jesus/not being able to die- (and all the other things too numerous to list) just to eventually have a heart attack and wind up with Nora?

They used a topic the departure or the rapture or whatever happened as a mysterious gimmick to peak everyone's interest to reel them in- and ended it with 'oh wait -it was just a simple love story- just full of otherworldly and unexplained BS that had no relevance to anything whatsoever and we will not give any answers to any of the mountains of BS situations we inserted into the series. '

@Invidia said:

It was Definitely a LOAD of RUBBISH that we got to wrap up the story.

There's NO DOUBT about that.

thumbsup_tone2 thumbsup_tone2

I totally agree and I wasn't even expecting as much of an ending as you were.

The Cow jump'd over the Moon,

The code words Evil Cooper used in that phone call to Buenos Aries, Argentina.

Question: What was that (box?) that turned into a piece of -was it metal?


I may totally end up with that on a T-shirt.

@Invidia said:

Whatever it was that was left inside of the WOODEN BOWL was apparently something that was there as a way to PREVENT whoever wanted to SPY on the conversation and/or RECORD it from being able to do so?

Is this a guess or are you sure?

Have you seen BOWIE's BLACK STAR video he made before he died:

Thanks for link!

Wonder if we'll ever get to see JEFFRIES again in TP?

Since we got to see the LOG LADY, here's hoping JEFFRIES will also show up as well.

Probably only in old clips- the log lady is not dead in real life is she? I want Sheriff Harry Truman to show up, but apparently he won't be returning either and knowing that he won't- I don't like the mentioning of him and that fake phone call with his brother.

@Invidia said:

Everything posted is nothing more than SPECULATION.

Haven't you ever seen any of those SPY FILMS where the RECORDING DEVICE is programed to SELF DESTRUCT?

Yes. That box did remind me of something...I just didn't know what.

And YES the LOG LADY was REALLY SICK in REAL LIFE and really died just like BOWIE did.

Oh! I DID NOT KNOW that, now I will probably sob when I re watch that again.

And that's also why that scene she did with HAWK where he says GOOD NIGHT to her was so MOVING (if one is also aware of her really being ILL at the time when she did that scene).

Above answer applies here too

Who knows? Maybe Harry changed his mind about coming back again ... just like LYNCH did when he LEFT ... and then came back again ... after SHOWTIME agreed to let him make TP the way that he wanted it to be?

I would love it!

grin wink

@Invidia said:

Did you enjoy the finale? I did not. i was actually rather pissed at how they basically left us extremely unsatisfied.

No I did not.

The part about the MACHINE was interesting enough, but after that I fell asleep and still haven't watched the entire episode yet.

Woke back up again at the part where she explained how she arrived in the other place naked, found some clothes and another couple who helped her before she took a boat to MAPLETON.


THIS was NOT something a WRITER should do.

Because they should SHOW US rather than TELL US what happened.

And it's also a BIG NO NO whenever you catch them doing something like that.

And that's also part of the reason why you're left feeling EXTREMELY UNSATISFIED.

Because it's also a CHEAP TRICK that they should NEVER have resorted to.

But viewers who are less sophisticated about storytelling also FALL for such GIMMICKS.

That's also the reason why FORMULAIC ROMANCE NOVELS sell so many copies.

But SOAP OPERAS have also fallen out of favor now as the audience becomes more sophisticated and demanding.

So writers also better WAKE UP and smell the coffee and stop doing this kind of crap before it's too late.

But sometimes making MONEY also means more to them than their reputations as writers.

Anyhow, they should have SHOWN US what happened to NORA, not used the GIMMICK of having her TELL US.

Because whenever we don't SEE how she gets from POINT A over to POINT B, then it's also NOT PLAUSIBLE or BELIEVEABLE.

What it basically amounts to is being told she used a TRANSPORTER MACHINE like the one they had in STAR TREK to reach this other place, then decides she doesn't belong there, and gets a guy to build her another MACHINE so she could come back to this place again.

Imagine if I were to tell you that's what had happened to me.

You'd think I was some kind of a FKING NUT JOB who was off my rocker.


Wouldn't you also wonder what I used for money, or how one gets a job there when one is also labeled as being one of the DEPARTED?

Because if she reported herself as being one of the DEPARTED, then we also know her family would be notified that she hadn't DEPARTED.

And without a job, how would I eat or pay for shelter or for the boat from DOWN UNDER to MAPLETON?

Arriving naked also means she didn't bring any money with her.

Yet that's also the kind of BS we've been FED that others here at this forum are also giving the WRITERS praise for now.

And They can BUY into that explanation if they like and accept that's the way it happened.

But from me the writers get a BIG BAAAA HUMBUG for the VERY UNREALISTIC and UNBELIEVEABLE way that they wrapped up the story.

LMAO! rofl Yeah I could not have written this response better myself. You literally took the words right out of my mouth and brain.

With all that money that they put into the other episodes you would think they only had like $50 bucks to finish the finale with seeing that it was just them talking and telling each other campfire stories. Again I would have enjoyed it much more if they ended with the previous episode for some of my favorite episodes was Kevin being the secret agent/assassin/president etc. They were far more interesting and full of excitement and suspense then a couple of snoozers talking to each other like you said explaining things instead of showing us the audience how it happened.

Like when she said she took a boat from Australia to New York and it took a very long time LOL. They couldn't even cut to a shot of her on a boat crossing the oceans? LOL

WTF was the point of Nora catching the nun having sex with that man sneaking out? I didn't really have to see that boring ass wedding either or the goat with the new orleans show me your breasts beads.

I thought it actually started off really good and it just went down hill and got worse and worse I kept looking at the clock thinking it something huge going to happen in the final 2 minute? Final 1 minute? Final 30 seconds? Final 10 seconds? Final 5 seconds? WTF????????? REALLY?????? YOU GONNA END THIS LIKE THAT? !!!!

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