8 فیلم

To be closer to his children following his divorce, Laurent Monier, a history and geography teacher in a peaceful provincial high school, accepts a position in a sensitive college in the Paris suburbs. He is assigned the hardest class, the fourth techno, and he finds an apartment in the Cité des Muriers, a particularly difficult district.

Leigh deve assolutamente ottenere un bel voto per prendere la borsa di studio ma la terribile Mrs. Tingle le mette i bastoni fra le ruote.

Michael has written a schollarly book on the revolutionary war. He has sold the film rights. The arrival of the film crew seriously disrupts him as actors want to change their characters, directors want to re-stage battles, and he becomes very infatuated with Faith who will play the female lead in the movie. At the same time, he is fighting with his crazy mother who thinks the Devil lives in her kitchen, and his girlfriend who is talking about commitment.

Argentina, 1983. Una professoressa di storia, sposata con un funzionario politico, inizia a nutrire il dubbio che la bambina adottata insieme al marito sia figlia di una coppia di desaparecidos e inizia un'indagine per conto proprio.

اکتبر 2, 2006

Otto studenti del rinomato istituto Sheffield, nei primi anni '80, devono guadagnarsi il massimo dei voti per poter accedere alle prestigiose università di Oxford o Cambridge. Il problema è che sono intelligenti ma troppo vivaci, grossolani e poco raffinati. Così arriva il professore di Storia Irwin, gay, cinico, che si pone l'obiettivo di migliorare le loro maniere e il loro stile oltre che di insegnare loro la storia e come cambiarla. Dopo poco sembra che il loro interesse verso il professore di materie generiche, amante della poesia così come della storia, Hector, inizi a diminuire. Hector è un eccentrico grassoltello cinquantenne, anch'esso gay, che tiene molto a come l'insegnamento possa essere applicato alla realtà della vita. Inizia così una "guerra" tra due concezioni della storia, dell'insegnamento e della vita a cui partecipano anche gli studenti.

The story of a mentally anguished high school history teacher going through a complete reassessment of his life. His method for reassessing his life is to narrate it to his class and interweave in it three generations of his family's history.

اکتبر 12, 2019

Sue works in a library. Daniel eats crisps and listens to Metallica. This was the summer Daniel was due to spend with his father and his father's new wife in Florida. But when they cancel his trip at the last minute, Sue and Daniel suddenly face the prospect of six long weeks together.

Dr. Mark Fairchild, world-renowned archaeologist, traces the hidden years of Saint Paul's life in the mountainous Turkish countryside of Rough Cilicia.

فیلم و نمایش تلویزیونی را نمی‌توانید پیدا کنید؟ به سیستم وارد شوید تا آن را ایجاد کنید.


s تمرکز بر منوی جستجو
p منوی پروفایل باز شود
esc بستن پنجره باز
? پنجره میانبرهای صفحه‌کلید باز شود

در صفحات مدیا

b بازگشت به عقب (یا در صورت لزوم به منشا)
e برو به صفحه ویرایش

در صفحات فصل تلویزیونی

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(پیکان سمت چپ) برو به قسمت قبلی

در تمام صفحات تصویر

a پنجره افزودن تصویر باز شود

در تمام صفحات ویرایش

t انتخابگر ترجمه باز شود
ctrl+ s ثبت از

در صفحات بحث

n ایجاد بحث جدید
w تغییر وضعیت وضعیت تماشا
p تغییر وضعیت عمومی/خصوصی
c تغییر وضعیت بسته/باز
a گشایش صفحه فعالیت
r پاسخ به بحث
l برو به آخرین پاسخ
ctrl+ enter پیام خود را ثبت کنید
(فلش سمت راست) صفحه بعد
(پیکان سمت چپ) صفحه قبلی


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