171 filmov

Mlady Thajcan Kam sa vydava na cestu do Australie, aby ziskal naspat svojho ukradnuteho slona. S pomocou prefikaneho policajneho detektiva coskoro zistuje, ze pachatelom je tajomna zena vlastniaca obchod pomenovany Tom Yum Goong. V nerovnom merani sil s mnohymi protivnikmi sa Kamovi hodia jeho vynikajuce bojove schopnosti.

Príbeh dobrodružnej cesty rakúskeho horolezca Heinricha Harrera, ktorý so svojím priateľom Petrom Aufschneiterom chcel dobyť vrchol jedného z najvyšších štítov Himalájí, Nanga Parbat. Po úteku zo zajateckého tábora prešiel celými Himalájami až do tajomného sveta Tibetu, kde sa stal učiteľom mladého Dalajlámu. Medzi týmito dvoma ľuďmi z úplne odlišných svetov sa rozvinulo priateľstvo, ktoré im prinieslo múdrosť a pre Harrera znamenalo aj hlboký vnútorný prerod. Film je založený na skutočných udalostiach.

20. november, 1987

A dramatic history of Pu Yi, the last of the Emperors of China, from his lofty birth and brief reign in the Forbidden City, the object of worship by half a billion people; through his abdication, his decline and dissolute lifestyle; his exploitation by the invading Japanese, and finally to his obscure existence as just another peasant worker in the People's Republic.

An isolated lake, where an old monk lives in a small floating temple. The monk has a young boy living with him, learning to become a monk. We watch as seasons and years pass by.

The all-powerful Monkey King once roamed freely between Heaven and Earth, but after angering the Gods, he was imprisoned within an ice cage deep within the mountains. 500 years later, monsters attack a small village and a child flees to the mountains. Unknowingly, the child releases the Monkey King from his curse. With the help and encouragement from this special child, Monkey King saves the village from the evil monsters.

In a world plagued by demons who cause great human suffering, young demon hunter Tang Sanzang must fight against monstrous demons, as well as contend with a beautiful demon hunting woman on his path to enlightenment.

Z tibetského kláštora unesú počas posvätného obradu Zlaté dieťa - malého chlapca s nadprirodzenými schopnosťami, ktorého smrť by znamenala tri tisíc rokov pekla na Zemi. Preto je potrebné nájsť vyvoleného, aby dieťa zachránil a spasil svet. Stane sa ním černoch Chandler Jarrell, ktorý sa v Los Angeles živí ako sociálny pracovník pátraním po nezvestných deťoch. Hoci tomu spočiatku nechce veriť, napokon sa rozhodne pomôcť, pretože sa mu veľmi páči krásna služobníčka dobra Kee Nang. V prvom rade musia nájsť posvätnú dýku Adžanti - jedinú zbraň, ktorou sa dá Zlaté dieťa zabiť. Cesta je plná nástrah a získať dýku z tibetského kláštora nie je vôbec jednoduché

13. september, 2001

A young Prince Asoka works to perfect his skills in battle and also deals with family conflict. During a struggle with one of his step-brothers, his mother urges Asoka to escape to stay alive. While away, Asoka meets Kaurwaki and falls in love, but must use his skills as a warrior to protect her. A dangerous and heartbreaking web of conspiracy follows, which leads Asoka to embrace a Buddhist path.

Giovanni currently lives a dreary life of near non-stop work. At school, his peers ridicule him incessantly, and his employer at work is distant and cold. As his isolation from society becomes unbearable, he suddenly finds himself on a train heading far away from his miserable home. Accompanied by Campanella, an acquaintance from school, Giovanni embarks on a journey that will define the rest of his life.

20. január, 2023

A new couple and their families reckon with modern love amid culture clashes, societal expectations and generational differences.

25. december, 1997

The Tibetans refer to the Dalai Lama as 'Kundun', which means 'The Presence'. He was forced to escape from his native home, Tibet, when communist China invaded and enforced an oppressive regime upon the peaceful nation. The Dalai Lama escaped to India in 1959 and has been living in exile in Dharamsala ever since.

In Burma during the closing days of WWII, a Japanese soldier separated from his unit disguises himself as a Buddhist monk to escape imprisonment as a POW.

Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha, the founders of Christianity and Buddhism, are living together as roommates in a Tokyo apartment while taking a vacation on Earth. The comedy often involves jokes about Christianity, Buddhism, and all things related, as well as the main characters' attempts to hide their identities and understand modern society in Japan.

10. október, 1976

Ku Shen Chai, an artist in his early 30s, still lives with his mother, but he is suddenly shaken by the arrival of Yang Hui-ching, a mysterious princess on the run. Yang brings Ku into her circle of protectors, including a nameless monk whose spiritual guidance transforms him into a valiant fighter.

A woman, Tome, is born to a lower class family in Japan in 1918. The title refers to an insect, repeating its mistakes, as in an infinite circle. Imamura, with this metaphor, introduces the life of Tome, who keeps trying to change her poor life.

Suffering from acute kidney failure, Boonmee has chosen to spend his final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside. Surprisingly, the ghost of his deceased wife appears to care for him, and his long lost son returns home in a non-human form. Contemplating the reasons for his illness, Boonmee treks through the jungle with his family to a mysterious hilltop cave—the birthplace of his first life.

There are saints living in Tokyo, Japan: Buddha the Enlightened One, and Jesus, Son of God. After successfully bringing the previous century to a close, the two share an apartment in Tachikawa while enjoying some well-earned time off down on Earth. Buddha pinches pennies like a typical neighborhood housewife, while Jesus is prone to making impulse buys.

21. november, 2006

After his brother was crippled in the ring by a cheating Thai boxer, Chan Hung goes to Thailand to avenge his brother, and finds the key to an omen which may release their family from an ancient curse. He is then caught up in a spiraling web of fate, Buddhist curses, and black magic.

Falsely accused for cheating in a martial arts competition, two boyhood friends are banished from their Shaolin Temple and go their separate ways. As adults, they join opposing sides in a civil war. When one betrays the other, they settle their differences mano-a-mano.

3. jún, 1979

Hell manifests itself through the sins, shame and desires of an upper class rural family and a mother's grief from beyond the grave.

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