En ung amerikansk kvinna följer motvilligt med sin pojkvän till en avlägsen liten by i Sverige för ett traditionellt midsommarfirande, men det blir något helt annat än de någonsin kunnat vänta sig.
Jenny, a deaf runaway who has just arrived in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district to find her long-lost brother, a mysterious bearded sculptor known around town as The Seeker. She falls in with a psychedelic band, Mumblin' Jim, whose members include Stoney, Ben, and Elwood. They hide her from the fuzz in their crash pad, a Victorian house crowded with love beads and necking couples. Mumblin' Jim's truth-seeking friend Dave considers the band's pursuit of success "playing games," but he agrees to help Jennie anyway.
A police captain is caught between businesses operating on the Los Angeles Sunset Strip who don't like the punks hanging out, and his belief in allowing the kids their rights. But when his daughter gets involved with an unruly bunch, his attitude starts to change.
A topless dancer attracts, seduces, then murders the men she sleeps with. She does it with a twist, however; she kills them with garden tools.
A naive young college student, who is majoring in chemistry, is persuaded by her roommates and a would-be drug dealer to make LSD for them, and she winds up getting caught up in the "acid" lifestyle.
A group of directionless, bored, drug-using teenagers get involved in a cult, resulting in a murder.
A young girl relates what happened during her first LSD trip, when – among other things – her food began talking to her.
CBS TV news special hosted by Harry Reasoner explores the way-out world of the Hippies and the Haight-Ashbury psychedelic 1960s LSD scene. Footage of LSDs users experiencing bummer trips. The Diggers, the Oracle and cool street and Golden Gate Park scenes with hippies tripping out. The Grateful Dead are interviewed and are shown performing "Dancin' in the Streets" on a flatbed truck in Golden Gate Park. The Hippie Temptation!
When Tyler and his childhood buddy, Jake, recommend a drug-motivated start to their Spring Break. Inviting their other friends Allison, Mellissa and her short-tempered boyfriend Danny to a drug-filled, chaotic, and killer start their "Sprang Gang" summer. With an extra pill on their palette, awaits an invitation to an innocent, clueless classmate, Melvin to join them on their risky start to their Spring Break plans. With visions and a bad high leads a dangerous, and evil demon hunting down anyone and everyone who consumes its blood-covered death sentence... Who will survive its hunt and who will suffer for their deadly decisions?
The dangers of LSD are driven home to teenagers in this classroom training film, which is "narrated" by an LSD tab. The "tab" tells kids that he is "a depth charge in the mind!" and various teenagers are shwn babbling about their LSD experiences. "Experts" are presented who warn that LSD makes kids "paint themselves green" and has various other horrible side effects, the most serious of which is that it gives users a police record, and that there is "no known way of getting your fingerprints out of a police file once they're in there."
In the early 1970s, a group of young volunteers, the Free Youth Clinic of Winnipeg, operated a "crisis bus" to rescue young people experiencing bad drug trips, usually from LSD.