
7 movies

marts 10, 2024

Two unemployed friends have a fresh idea: They want to stage Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' in Grand Theft Auto. But even in a virtual world, reality intrudes in a wild and trippy film shot entirely inside the ultra-violent video game.

The Introduction is the original 20-minute prologue video that highlights the action in the days before the story in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas begins.

septembris 30, 1999

Live-Action shortfilm that Rockstar Games made for GTA2. It depicts a day in the life of Claude Speed, the main character of the game.

oktobris 17, 2021

Khtobtogone begins as a love story between protagonist Zine and the girl of his dreams, Bulma. But in introspective narration, Zine reflects more broadly on masculinity and coming of age in Marseille’s Maghrebi community.

jūlijs 16, 2008

Machinima-adaptation of Albert Camus book "L'étranger", done in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Dancing Plague, a GTA V mod, flips the script. Holding H key forces male NPCs to dance uncontrollably, revealing the game's biased animations where female characters (often sex workers) have the flashiest moves. This disrupts the game's gender roles, making masculinity both playful and challenged. Interestingly, female characters ignore the male dance frenzy. This is a humorous critique of the game's gender politics. The mod's soundtrack, by Azu Tiwaline, blends electronic music with trance traditions, deepening the critique and adding an immersive ritualistic feel.

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