9 مسلسل

Natsuki Obana (Takuya Kimura) is a charismatic Japanese chef running a 2-star restaurant in Paris. Despite an extreme pride and confidence, he can’t seem to earn the 3 stars he covets. Feeling the pressure of a career slipping away, Obana’s troubles are compounded when his restaurant is caught in a scandal that forces its closure and the departure of his staff. Amid his despair, a glimmer of hope arrives when he encounters a female chef with whom he is encouraged to start anew. Assembling a staff of talented chefs, he launches his restaurant but is constantly clashing with personnel. Can a middle-aged man once knocked down recover the verve of youth necessary to achieve a lifelong dream?

نوفمبر 27, 2012

After Gaku Kitada, a talented mathematics scholar, suffers setbacks on his dream of becoming a mathematician, he meets Kai Asakura, a young but similarly talented chef, as he is running his own food business, and joins Kai in an attempt at something new.

سبتمبر 2, 2016

تذوقوا النكهات الفرنسية الجديدة القوية من إعداد الطهاة الذين يرفعون من سقف المطاعم الفاخرة ويعيدون ابتكار تقاليد الطهي غنية النكهة.

Raymond Blanc is Britain's most famous French chef, yet he has never cooked professionally in France. Forty years after leaving, Raymond is going back to show us the country he loves so much and the French recipes that have inspired him. In each episode he takes over a restaurant for one night only and cooks a feast inspired by that region's food.

سبتمبر 1, 1987

Globetrotting gastronaut and bon vivant Keith Floyd nips over the channel to savour the best of French cuisine.

أبريل 25, 2022
فبراير 27, 2021

Cuisine Ouverte honors the heritage and diversity of French cuisine through a friendly and inventive exchange between cuisine from our regions and cuisine open to influences from around the world, led by chef Mory Sacko.

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t افتح محدد الترجمة
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c تبديل اغلاق / فتح
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r رد على النقاش
l انتقل لأخر رد
ctrl+ enter أرسل رسالتك
(السهم الايمن) الصفحة التالية
(السهم الايسر) الصفحة السابقة


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