3 Filme

The 12-year-old Aneta and Boy feel that there is something like a first love between them. The kids are traveling to the countryside together. They get to two of Aneta's grandparents - one of her grandmothers was married three times. Aneta's favorite grandfather is her grandmother's third husband. He is not her real grandfather, but she loves him because he likes to fantasize. He taught Aneta a magic game - to light a match and imagine anything in flame. Her favorite grandfather dies. Aneta mourns him for a long time, lights matches but no use.

In the pitch darkness a man cannot see anything. Only light source is a light lit with a match by someone else. The light is lit and put out. This repeats sometime and eventually the man makes up his mind.

20. Mai 2006

A matchbox collection unites a lonely woman and her cat.

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