14 filmų

2024 balandžio 26

Du geriausi draugai Artas ir Patrikas su Taša (Zendaya) susipažino dar būdami paaugliais. Tuomet Taša buvo sparčiai kylanti teniso žvaigždė, tuo tarpu Arto ir šiek tiek vyresnio Patriko karjeros perspektyvos atrodė kur kas miglotesnės. Nuolat būdami toje pačioje aplinkoje, jaunuoliai įsipainioja į aistringą meilės trikampį, kuris išyra Tašai pasirinkus Patriką. Tiesa, jų santykiai taip pat nutrūksta, o patyrusi sunkią visas jos karjeros svajones sudaužiusią traumą, Taša netrukus imasi treniruoti Artą. Pastarojo kopimą į teniso Olimpą ir gyvenimą su buvusia savo mergina iš šalies stebi Patrikas. Trijulės keliams vėl susikirtus, į paviršių neišvengiamai ima kilti seniai pamiršti jausmai, aistros, viltys ir nuoskaudos. Ką kiekvienas iš jų pasiryš paaukoti vardan pergalės?

Jauna moteris, įkalinta toksiškuose santykiuose, netikėtai tampa dviejų artimiausių draugių surengtos intervencijos dalyve.

Shuhei is leading a tough life. His alcoholic mother Akiko can only hook up with bad guys and order Shuhei to go get money from his disapproving grandparents instead of going to school. Except raising the little half-sister, his rock-bottom life seems to have no end.

2017 gruodžio 1

When the situation at her idyllic Palos Verdes home turns volatile, young Medina attempts to surf her way to happiness.

2014 lapkričio 8

Overbearing mom, Jackie, travels cross-country to be with her son, Angelo, after he drops out of college to become a surfer. She meets a surf instructor who convinces her to try to accept her son's wishes and allow him to follow his dreams.

2019 kovo 9

When her husband leaves for a night shift, a woman battles physical manifestations of her repressed fears and desires.

2023 spalio 13

Remy attempts to balance her relationship with her alcoholic mother and her longtime best friend, Arletta. While Remy leans on her best friend as a coping mechanism, she learns that their co-dependent friendship is more than she realized.


2018 sausio 19

Wayward Canadian, Matthew, crushed by the isolation of being new to Berlin, turns his sexual desires toward Matthias that spiral into a dark fixation of assumed identity. Soon, this obsessive power struggle between the two, careens toward brutal passion and violence in a bid for dominance.

1971 lapkričio 10

Two rich American young adults who meet and fall in love in Venice, Italy. With plenty of money and no real responsibilities or direction in life, the couple begin experimenting with illicit drugs. The movie travels through a series of flashbacks showing their progression from marijuana to harder drugs as a result of their complex romantic entanglement with each other.

2008 sausio 1

Documentary filmmaker Zhou Hao examines the complicated relationship between two drug addicts who become dealers over the course of three years. Shot in the city of Guangzhou, the film offers a rare look into China's unknown heroin subculture.

2022 lapkričio 7

A female alien returns to earth with a charismatic scientist, however her security lies in the balance when she suspects that he is hiding something from her.

2023 balandžio 5

Following the arrival of an unwanted guest, the tightly-knit bond between two sisters is put to the test when their idyllic playdate takes a dark turn. Supported by The Future of Film is Female, ALBION ROSE is a late bloomer's coming-of-age drama with hints of magical realism and dark fairytale elements that paint a delicate, yet emotionally charged portrait of sisterhood, loss, and the healing powers of fantasy.

Mildred must choose between authenticity and safety when the only world she knows is the inside of a Library.

2023 gruodžio 12

A gentle yet troubled college student battles with her abandonment issues as her friendship comes to an end and she relies on the guidance of her therapist to move forward into her next chapter of life.

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