10 augustus 2022

Highlights from the annual knockout football competition organised by the Football League.

7 september 1975

Longtime Michigan broadcaster Jim Brandstatter breaks down the previous day's football action with post-game interviews with the players and coaches, along with special features on the University of Michigan.

Michigan Replay was the broadcasts of weekly (in season) coach's shows for University of Michigan football and men's basketball. The football Michigan Replay Show went on the air in 1975 with twelve to sixteen programs per year. Larry Adderley was the host from 1975 to 1979. Jim Brandstatter took over starting in 1980. In 2008 the title was changed to Inside Michigan Football. The basketball coach's show was first broadcast in 1990 under the title Michigan Basketball Preview and became Michigan Replay in 1999/2000.

The format of the half-hour show was a host and the head coach in a studio setting reviewing the previous weeks games and previewing the upcoming games. Typically there would be one or more guests and often a short topical story.

NFL Weekly Highlights

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