211 filmų

Pirmoji mintis, pramerkus akis - „Aš nieko neprisimenu“. Matau prieš save moterį, kuri sakosi esanti mano žmona Estelė ir teigia išplėšusi mane iš mirties nagų. Ko gero, ji teisi, nes netrukus paaiškėja, kad bent pusė mano kūno dalių pakeista mechaniniais protezais. Jaučiuosi lyg robotas. Tačiau man bandant prisipratinti šią mintį, į palatą, kurioje guliu, įsiveržia nepažįstami vyrai, bando mane nušauti ir pagrobia Estelę. Kadangi ji vienintelė gali man papasakoti, kas aš esu, pasiryžtu ją surasti. Ištrūkęs į miestą, netrukus išsiaiškinu, kad esu Maskvoje. Ar esu čia buvęs anksčiau? Nepamenu. Aišku tik tai, kad daugybė žmonių nori mane nudėti. Už ką? Neįsivaizduoju. Bet nežadu lengvai pasiduoti.

1991 birželio 5

Begotten is the creation myth brought to life, the story of no less than the violent death of God and the (re)birth of nature on a barren earth.

1924 rugsėjo 24

A pulsing, kaleidoscope of images set to an energetic soundtrack. This is a world in motion, dominated by mechanical and repetitive images, with a few moments of solitude in a garden.

Obsessed with a general's wife, a clergyman has strange visions of death and lust, struggling against his own eroticism.

2005 gegužės 11

An anthology film consisting of four segments based on literary works by Edogawa Ranpo.

This short experimental film tells the story of a man who comes to Hollywood to become a star, only to fail and be dehumanized. He is identified by the number 9413 written on his forehead.

A viral video shows a mysterious figure walking along the edge of the woods each day, and filmmaker Bill Howard sets out to spend a night there to find out exactly what it is.

When forest animals invade our cities, the world is in disarray. Office vixen Fiona struggles with her banana phone addiction. Will she succumb to it? Temperamental bunny Barbara only gives her stag sugar daddy Nestor his special massage, after he dines her and plays the big spender. This obscure short film pinpoints postmodern tropes of consumerism, eroticism, and art with an homage to the theater stage and references to literature. This work uses a fantasy language and needs no subtitles.

2018 rugpjūčio 16

The tranquility of Uncle No Rules's home is disturbed when a mysterious variety-show equipped with a studio audience and charismatic host (Marky Ramone) descends upon the household.

Stan Brakhage is a film maker whose work is shown mainly at film festivals. His work has been likened to poetry. Brakhage explains his techniques and his motivation.

2009 birželio 10

A gang of leather-clad, powerful women take over a traditionally male domain, and hairspray, eyeliner, and bare flesh are on full display in Beth B’s music video for the Arthur Baker–produced club hit from synthpop band Dominatrix. Banned at the time of release, it was acquired by The Museum of Modern Art.

2024 liepos 6

Amanda's stoner slumber party is put to a halt when one of her guests is nowhere to be found.

A boobs flasher tells us, a boobs flasher lets us see.

2023 rugsėjo 1

Living in forests untouched by man, these gracious and mysterious fairies use their magical powers to send blessings upon Earth. Do not take their kindness for granted. Especially on the night when the sky opens.

2023 balandžio 27

Art is often an expression of rigorous focus. This story revolves around the internal pressures of the protagonist, and his attempt to escape his own mind and let out his imagination. An artist lives in a world they create, but sometimes fear can break us down.

2024 kovo 13

X-ray images were invented in 1895, the same year in which the Lumière brothers presented their respective invention in what today is considered to be the first cinema screening. Thus, both cinema and radiography fall within the scopic regime inaugurated by modernity. The use of X-rays on two sculptures from the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum generates images that reveal certain elements of them that would otherwise be invisible to our eyes. These images, despite being generally created for technical or scientific purposes, seem to produce a certain form of 'photogénie': they lend the radiographed objects a new appearance that lies somewhere between the material and the ethereal, endowing them with a vaporous and spectral quality. It is not by chance that physics and phantasmagoria share the term 'spectrum' in their vocabulary.

According to an English legend, Joan of Arc never died at the stake. Her eyes were seared with hot pokers and she was deflowered by an English stud. She was then sentenced to wander on the battlefields, like a vulture, on the look-out for life and searching for any virgins left alive.

Weird Weird Movie Kids Do Not Watch The Movie is the second collaborative feature film between Rouzbeh Rashidi and Maximilian Le Cain. This hypnotic, visually and sonically immersive exploration of a haunted space unfolds in two parts. In the first, a woman (Eadaoin O’Donoghue) dissolves her identity into the ghostly resonances she finds in the rooms and corridors of a sprawling, atmospheric seaside basement property. In the second, a man (Rashidi), existing in a parallel dimension of the same space, pursues a bizarre and perverse amorous obsession.

2022 balandžio 1

A small Youtuber occasionally makes half ironic videos for few to see. A half narrative, half experimental view of the numb feeling of consuming endless amounts of content online instead of doing anything else, forever.

2000 sausio 1

A aspiring novelist operates a tiny neighborhood bookstore. His wife is a talented painter. Their marriage is disintegrating, and they are about to sign their divorce papers. Meanwhile, the legendary Casanova and his lover Lavinia are characters trapped inside of a 17th-century children's book. The tragedy of the impending divorce triggers the release of Casanova and Lavinia from the confines of the children's pop-up book.

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