5 filmų

1929 gruodžio 7

A young woman, who wants to be in the Follies, is making ends meet by working at a department store's sheet music department, where she sings the latest hits. She is accompanied on piano by her childhood boyfriend, who is in love with her, despite her single-minded interest in her career. When a vaudeville performer asks her to join him as his new partner, she sees it as an opportunity to make her dream come true. Upon arriving in New York City, our heroine finds out that her new partner is only interested in sleeping with her and makes this a condition of making her a star. Soon, however, she is discovered by a representative of Ziegfeld.

1939 gegužės 5

Rose Sargent, a Roaring '20s singer, becomes a Ziegfeld Follies star as her criminal husband gets deeper in trouble.

1968 sausio 1

Features underground film makers and stars Jack Smith, Charles Ludlum, and Bill Vehr. A satirical film, comprising a collection of vignettes of the entertainment personalities who were famous during the "Roaring Twenties". Included is a take-off of the Ziegfeld Follies girl-parade, which features Ava-Graph's own pretty girls. Original music of the twenties. In stunning color

1930 rugsėjo 24

Zeigfeld Follies beauty Peggy marries an older man, C. Morton Gibson. Although she soon grows tired of their sedate life, she refuses the attentions of her longtime friend, the volatile sculptor Ralph Le Saint. When pianist Paul Lockridge arrives from Paris, he begs Peggy to run away with him to France, where they can share adventure and a full life -- but complications arise for Peggy when Gibson's attractive daughter visits.

2018 spalio 24

The life of Fanny Brice, who rose from the Lower East Side of New York to become one of Broadway's biggest stars under producer Florenz Ziegfield. While she was cheered onstage as a great comedian, offstage she faced a doomed relationship with the man she loved.

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