12 film

7 ottobre, 1971

Shot under extreme conditions and inspired by Mayan creation theory, the film contemplates the illusion of reality and the possibility of capturing for the camera something which is not there. It is about the mirages of nature—and the nature of mirage.

Séfar (in arabo: سيفار) è un'antica città nel cuore della catena montuosa del Tassili n'Ajjer in Algeria, a più di 2.400 km a sud di Algeri e molto vicina al confine libico. Séfar è la più grande città troglodita del mondo, con diverse migliaia di case fossilizzate. Pochissimi viaggiatori vi si recano data la sua lontananza geografica e soprattutto per le difficoltà di accesso al sito. Il sito è ricco di numerosi dipinti, alcuni dei quali risalgono a più di 12.000 anni fa, per lo più raffiguranti animali e scene di caccia o di vita quotidiana che testimoniano che questo luogo ostile non è sempre stato un deserto disabitato. La superstizione locale suggerisce che il sito sia abitato da djin, senza dubbio in relazione agli strani dipinti trovati sul sito.

1 gennaio, 2009

Roger Frison-Roche born in Paris in 1906 and moved to Chamonix at the age of 17. He was quickly adopted by local mountaineers and became the first guide in the Company not to have been born in the valley. He is also an insatiable explorer, in love with landscapes and peoples, having traveled from the Hoggar to the Sami camps in Lapland. And the author, among others, of the famous adventure novel Premier de Cordée! This documentary, made up of archive images and interviews, exposes the prolific life of a man who communicated his passion for the mountains by all possible means. A young journalist from Chamonix follows in the footsteps of Roger Frison-Roche. She meets people who knew him and others who followed in his footsteps: guides, filmmaker and author Philippe Claudel, a director, his family; on a trip to Lapland, Algeria, Chamonix.

The Desert Rocker is an intimate, witty and profound portrait of the extraordinary Hasna El Becharia, a pioneer Gnawa artist. The first musician to break through the social barrier of this culture, she empowers and inspires women of all ages by reclaiming a musical tradition reserved for men for centuries . A singularly talented artist, she leads women to redefine their roles and challenge cultural norms , one musical performance at a time.

An oasis lost in the Saharan desert more than 700km from Algiers. A society still functioning on centuries-old rituals. The only connection to the city is a bus that passes once a day. Moussa, disabled from birth, lives there with his sister Zineb; They try, together, to reconstitute a family unit that the war has destroyed. The family is the dream of the idyllic times of childhood, of times when parents took all the responsibilities. Moussa is perfectly independent, although he has no arms, he nevertheless loves being cared for by his sister. Zineb, for her part, does not dare to face the new world that a marriage would constitute. Life passes punctuated by the same gestures. Zineb takes the bus to go to work at the date packaging factory. Moussa goes to see the schoolmaster, draws or dreams of Mériem, the woman he loves. A rose secretly grows in the sand, which Moussa waters every day.

13 aprile, 1924

As a boy, Raoul is reared by an Arab tribe in Algerian Sahara. Years later, as a refined Europeanized gentleman, he falls in love with Barbara, an officer's daughter, who rejects him when she discovers his background. Affecting a raid, he captures her and then secretly buys her at a slave auction. When she is rescued by French troops, however, his ancestry is established and they find happiness together.

Alone in a small white house on the edge of national road 1, the Trans-Saharan road, which connects Algiers to Tamanrasset crossing the immensity of the desert, Malika, 74, one day opened her door to the director Hassen Ferhani, who came there to scout with his friend Chawki Amari, journalist at El Watan and author of the story Nationale 1 which relates his journey on this north-south axis of more than 2000 km. The Malika of Amari's novel, which Ferhani admits to having first perceived as a "literary fantasy", suddenly takes on an unsuspected human depth in this environment naturally hostile to man. She lends herself to the film project as she welcomes her clients, with an economy of gestures and words, an impression reinforced by the mystery that surrounds her and the rare elements of her biography which suggest that she is not from the region, that she left the fertile north of Algeria to settle in the desert where she lives with a dog and a cat.

1 gennaio, 1980

Two travelers, Boualem and Sekfali, cross the hostile and endless desert. Boualem pulls a cart on which old books, pictures, relics and memories of Sekfali are piled up. Two men, two attitudes towards life, two visions of the world. Where do they come from, where are they going? The journey would be completely calm and happy if each of them were not inhabited by their pasts, determining their different visions of the future. Boualem's childhood was marked by the Algerian war of liberation. His dream is to achieve a socialist society, which is for him the only path to salvation. Sekfali, who tries to dissuade Boualem from continuing the journey, has the attitude of an aristocrat. For him, socialism is a heresy and people do not like responsibility, they only act if a leader gives them the injunction.

In the Sahara, Algeria, the leader of the Tuaregs, Aftan, saves a girl from the hands of a caravan of pillars. Madeleine falls in love with her savior and their marriage is decided. But Aftan understands that he will never be assimilated with Europeans, and he goes back to find the beautiful poet Dassine whom he had loved before.

1 dicembre, 1950

Nel 1950, l'esploratore Roger Frison Roche percorse più di mille chilometri a dorso di cammello insieme al fotografo George Tiraz II, in mezzo al deserto, da Hoggar e Djanet in Algeria a Ghat in Libia. Dal loro viaggio hanno portato con sé un gran numero di filmati e documenti colorati. Tra migliaia di immagini, nel libro “Il deserto del Sahara”, ne hanno scelte 47 che riflettono i diversi aspetti di questi immensi spazi che occupano un terzo dell'Africa. “Deserto del Sahara, 1.000 chilometri in cammello” è un documentario di 85 minuti su questa saga, pubblicato nel 1950.

Mounya doesn't like the desert, and she doesn't like Majid either, but she agreed to go with him for the weekend to southern Algeria. Rabah Bouberras directs an intimate film which tells the story of a woman taking stock of her past and present during a trip to the south of Algeria with her son and her second husband.

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