10 de filme seriale

25 septembrie 1990

Jack Shindo and Stanley Haggard are members of the first manned expedition to Mars, and on the red planet find a giant slug-like monster, Goudes/Gudis. Shindo is pinned by a rockslide and Haggard tries to escape in their ship but is blown up by Gudis. Suddenly a giant warrior, Ultraman Great, arrives and fights Goudes, but when Ultraman is on the verge of victory Goudes changes into a virus and travels to Earth where it mutates other creatures into monsters and awakens existing ones. Needing a human host to survive on Earth, Ultraman joins with Jack, allowing him to become the mighty alien when all seems lost. He joins UMA in order to help them battle the monsters.

9 mai 1985

The Henderson Kids is an Australian television series made by Crawford Productions for Network Ten between 1985 and 1987. It was created and storylined by Roger Moulton, who also wrote 5 episodes in the first series and 2 episodes in the second series.

8 septembrie 1993

The family lives of those working on Australia's Snowy Mountains dam in the 1950s.

20 septembrie 1993

The Feds is a series of Australian television films starring Robert Taylor, which were first broadcast on the Nine Network 1993-1996.

The Feds revolves around the activities of the Australian Federal Police, who protect the national interests from crime in Australia and overseas. Nine telemovies were produced in the series.

31 mai 1982

Sara Dane is a 1982 Australian television miniseries about a woman transported from England to Australia for a crime she did not commit.

9 februarie 1984

n the 1880s, Jack Grant, a young Englishman, has been sent by his parents to make a new life in the pioneering colony of Western Australia. When he arrives, he is met at the dock by Mr. George, who introduces him to his mother's relatives. Jack's life is to be full of adventures, including taming horses and fighting kangaroos. Jack also competes for the love of two cousins.

15 noiembrie 1986

On 21st April 1976, gunmen held up more than 50 members of Melbourne’s venerable Victorian club, escaping with several million dollars in untraceable cash.The robbery had been so brilliantly planned and executed that police were left without a single clue–and so strict was the robbers’ code of silence that not even the underworld was aware of their identities.

26 ianuarie 2024

"Day Job is an animated documentary that follows the lives of the over-qualified young staff of a dingy local bowling alley. Watch as that dream life of passion, love and career triumph always narrowly eludes them. But that stack of used bowling shoes is always there for them, just waiting to be cleaned."

25 august 2023

A drag queen turns to private investigating to make ends meet.

31 mai 2022

Camera Shy is a 10-episode LGBTQIA+ TikTok web series filmed from the perspective of a laptop camera. Ellie, a budding photographer accidentally takes an online desk job at a school photography company and finds herself having to prove to her boss that she is worthy of a photographer position. Meanwhile, she has discovered she has a crush on her roommate Sam, causing her to be distracted from her work which unfortunately all her co-workers can hear as her microphone isn't on mute. Helen, Ellie's grandma (Sam's best friend) comes to stay, and it isn't long before she realises they like each other and makes it her mission to get the two together.

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