A merchant has three children; Salem, Salim, and Gawdar. However, the life of the last son, Gawdar, becomes complicated, and he comes into conflict with the enemy Shimoun to reach the four treasures of the wiseman Shamardal.

Shahryar avenges the honor of the family by marrying a new woman every day and then kills her in the morning until it's Shahrzad's turn, who is a brilliant story teller, which attracts Shahryar's attention. He decides to spare her life, which changes the course of the whole kingdom.

A different take on the classic One Thousand and One Nights, where Scheherazade has a recurring dream that a soothsayer interprets as a sign that she only has two days left with her husband, before she meets the same fate as the women before her. Scheherazade comes up with a plot to escape that fate.

31 toukokuu 1984

The story revolves around a fictional framework about Sultan Kahlan, who was deprived of procreation, along with his wife, Qamar Al-Zaman. Minister Shaalan seeks to persuade the Sultan to marry his daughter until she gives birth to the crown prince, until he meets the old witch king, who gives him and his wife an apple to eat and provide the crown prince, and the events continue.

A strange love story grows between the human prince Nour and the princess, the mermaid, who does not have legs but a tail like fish, and the mermaid tries to become as human as her lover until her love succeeds

(Karima w Halima W Fatima)

The series tells in a fun way the stories of One Thousand and One Nights, where in every episode Sherazade tells a new story or continues a story and the beginning of a new story until the king always listens to it and postpones the decision to get rid of it.

16 maaliskuu 1991
4 maaliskuu 1992

The story is adapted from the famous Arabic fantasy novel of the same name.

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