18 de filme artistice

16 septembrie 2005

În seara de dinaintea nunții lui, Victor, un mire anxios, se căsătorește din greșeală cu mireasa moartă Emily și o urmează în lumea de dincolo.

Rapunzel și Eugene (Flynn Ryder) sunt în toiul pregătirilor de căsătorie. Întregul regat așteaptă să ia parte la cea mai fastuoasă nuntă care s-a văzut vreodată. Totul e perfect în vederea ceremoniei. Ei bine, nu chiar tot: Eugene se arată din nou nemulțumit de modul în care e desenat nasul său în afișe, iar Pascal și Maximus au pierdut inelele mirilor.

24 februarie 2023

Through a series of unfortunate events, three mummies end up in present-day London and embark on a wacky and hilarious journey in search of an old ring belonging to the Royal Family, stolen by ambitious archaeologist Lord Carnaby.

8 ianuarie 2010

După ce trece și al patrulea an de când sunt împreună fără nicio cerere în căsătorie, Anna se hotărăște să se ocupe personal de problemă. Știind că o tradiție irlandeză dă voie fetelor să-și ceară în căsătorie iubiții pe data de 29 februarie, Anna își urmează iubitul plecat într-o delegație la Dublin, decisă să fie ea cea care va îngenunchea în fața lui pentru marea propunere. Dar avioanele, vremea și…. soarta o aruncă pe Anna în celalaltă parte a Irlandei, într-un colț uitat de lume și i-l scoate în cale pe arătosul dar foarte morocănosul Declan, care se oferă să-i fie ghid pentru a traversa țara spre Dublin. Pe drumul plin de peripeții, cei doi descoperă că, uneori, calea spre dragoste te duce în locuri extrem de neașteptate.

Driven by an intense need for fame and validation, members of a dysfunctional Hollywood family are chasing celebrity, one another and the relentless ghosts of their pasts.

12 decembrie 1920

The Romeo and Juliet story played out in a tenement neighborhood with Buster and Virginia's families hating each other over the fence separating their buildings.

6 mai 2016

Lowly theme park mechanic Sam dreams about his childhood sweetheart Sue. With the mistaken belief that only a bling ring can win the girl of his dreams, Sam plans the most perfect night to propose to his one true love. But when super villain Oscar shows up with his own evil ring that could destroy the city, Sam’s plans are thrown into utter disarray. Mistaking each other’s rings for their own, Sam teams up with his robot super heroes to track down his engagement ring and save the city… learning that it’s not about the size of the bling, but the size of your heart.

3 august 1990

A gothic allegory reinventing horror movie conventions while exploring the cyclical nature of life expressed through the romantic relationship between a lonely widow and her restless husband.

30 martie 2019

A woman takes time in private on a tiny island in Helsinki to contemplate a loss that has caused sudden changes in her life. This tragedy has challenged her to see the world in a different light. A light that is driven by a force of nature.

1 septembrie 2023

Vicente, the town gravedigger, decides to exhume the body of the recently deceased Hortensia to strip her of her wedding ring, without imagining what the result of his ambition could cause.

1 martie 1925

In Highland Park, it's Agnes Fisher and Harold Hope's wedding day. Mishaps almost keep them from getting hitched: he goes to the wrong church, then, one of the guests, Professor McGlumm, convinces him that the bride only wants him to collect his life insurance. Finally they marry and her family moves in with them. Harold is now convinced that he'll be poisoned at dinner. When further mishaps give him stomach problems, McGlumm rushes him toward the hospital. On the trip, all is revealed.

10 martie 1932

Loud-mouth hamburger flipper, Cooky, thinks he can box. His big chance comes when everyone else quits the gym when it is inherited by a dame.

24 noiembrie 2007

A newly married couple, en route to their honeymoon, stop at a service station in the middle of the night. When Zoran disappears to make a phone call and fails to return, Dawn begins to wonder just how well she knows her new husband.

4 iunie 1917

Bob Fulton is the superintendent of a mine in the West. He wins the enmity of dancehall owner Jack King when he saves one of the girls, Rose De Braisy, from his unwanted advances. Fulton also wins Rose's love, which he does not return. The mine's owner sends his troublesome son, Roland Holt, out West to work at the mine. Before Holt leaves the East he secretly marries Beth Hoover. Upon Holt's arrival, Fulton tries to befriend him, but Holt prefers the company of bad-guy King.

1 iunie 2020

A hermit crab with an obsession for shiny objects comes across a wedding ring that a young woman lost at the beach. They both find it at the same time and a chase ensues. Will the woman get her beloved ring back? Will the crab outwit her and hold on to his newly-prized possession?

21 septembrie 2022

Like a ticking time-bomb, Ronnie tries to hold his personal relationships and artistic career together while struggling with a debilitating writers block. "A Beautiful Rush" is a silent film that explores what it means to be selfish and lose sight of the blessings life has graced us with.

18 octombrie 2018

After finding a mysterious VHS tape depicting the murders of countless people in his room, a motel guest is haunted by angry spirits from the past.

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