John Barleycorn (1914)

01/01/1914 (US) Drama 1h 1m
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Based on the autobiographical novel of the same name. Jack London has struggled with alcoholism most of his life. At age five he was instructed to bring a pail of beer to his father and drank some to prevent it spilling over, getting drunk for the first time. As an adult, he goes through cycles of abstinence only to return to hard drinking.

  1. J. Charles Haydon


  2. Hobart Bosworth


  3. Jack London


  4. Hettie Grey Baker


Top Billed Cast

  1. Elmer Clifton

    Elmer Clifton

    Jack, 3rd period

  2. Antrim Short

    Antrim Short

    Jack, 2nd period

  3. Matty Roubert

    Matty Roubert

    Jack, 1st period

  4. Viola Barry


  5. Hobart Bosworth

    Hobart Bosworth

    Scratch Nelson

  6. Elmo Lincoln

    Elmo Lincoln

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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