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Hyoto is a Japanese karate champion. His own career, the dojo he ran, and his students were doing well, and he was at the peak of his abilities. Hyodo's only complaint was his relationship with his wife, which had become completely cold. One day, Hyoto drunkenly bursts into a store, falls in love with the beauty of the woman there. He takes her to a hotel, discovering that she is trans. Hyōto fled the scene in a panic, but after that day, his sexual preference, which had only been interested in women, began to crumble. His student Haruhiko notices this change in Hyōto and confesses that he actually loves his teacher. He would have scoffed at the previous Hyoto, but the current Hyoto was different. He accepted Haruhiko's love, and he actively stepped into a new world of sexual pleasure...

  1. Ryûji Akitsu

    Director, Screenplay

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No videos, backdrops or posters have been added to Men's Dream Play: Song of the Sorrows of Youth.

Original Title 男の夢芝居 性春哀傷歌

Status Released

Original Language Japanese

Budget -

Revenue -


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