
DramaFantasy 1h 50m
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Augustina Muñoz, an Argentine actress of Galician origin, is visiting her family in a Galician village on the border with Portugal. While visiting the house where her grandmother spent her childhood, she also takes advantage of these days to rehearse the texts in Portuguese of William Shakespeare's A Tempestade, as she had been invited by a theater company to perform the play in the Azores archipelago. She travels to the islands by boat, but when she arrives, she doesn't find anyone from the company or anyone on the island who knows about the show. Finding herself alone on the island, she begins to investigate what would have happened and little by little, as she immerses herself in the reality of the Azores and discovers the magic of the place and its people, her curiosity for the island increases, forgetting what brought her there.

  1. Matías Piñeiro


  2. Lois Patiño


  3. William Shakespeare


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Original Language Portuguese

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