United States

Date Certification Type Language Note
10/13/2013 Premiere Hamptons International Film Festival
11/08/2013 Premiere AFI Fest
01/10/2014 Theatrical
09/27/2014 Premiere Milwaukee Film Festival


Date Certification Type Language Note
06/07/2013 Premiere Sydney Film Festival

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Date Certification Type Language Note
08/23/2013 Premiere Sarajevo Film Festival

Czech Republic

Date Certification Type Language Note
07/01/2013 Premiere Karlovy Vary International Film Festival


Date Certification Type Language Note
07/03/2013 Premiere Paris Cinéma


Date Certification Type Language Note
09/19/2013 Theatrical


Date Certification Type Language Note
02/10/2013 Premiere Berlin International Film Festival

Hong Kong SAR China

Date Certification Type Language Note
03/29/2013 Premiere Hong Kong International Film Festival


Date Certification Type Language Note
05/02/2014 15 Digital


Date Certification Type Language Note
09/06/2013 Premiere Milano Film Festival

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